牛津大学校园英语情景对话 01:从 800年前走来的鹤发童颜

SHello! Can I help you?


W: Yeah. I want to know some information about studying abroad at the University of Oxford.


S: It’s my pleasure! What do you want to know?


W: I want to know the admission process for the undergraduates at Oxford.


S: Well, selection is based on achieved and predicted exam results. Firstly, candidate submits written work and school references. Then, receive an interview, which are held between applicants and college tutors. In some subjects, written admission tests prior to interview. However, you must apply through the Universities and Colleges Admission Service application system in advance, which is in common with all British universities.

S:呃,筛选是基于已有成绩和待测成绩的。首先,申请者要参加笔试幷提交学校推荐信。接着,学院导师会对申请者进行面试。在有些学科,笔试先于面 试进行。不过,你必须先通过大学入学申谞办事处的应用系统提出申请,这 与英国其他所有的大学是一样的。

W: I see. What about the scholarships at Oxford?


S: There are many opportunities for students at Oxford to receive financial help during their studies. The Oxford Opportunity Bursariesintroduced in 2006, are available to any British undergraduate. In addition, individual colleges also offer bursaries and funds to help their students.

S:牛津大学的学生在学习期间获得资助的机会是很多的。设立于 2006年的牛津机遇助学金,为每一个英国籍本科生提供服务。此外,各个学院也提供助 学金来资助学生。

WThere are Rhodes Scholarships in the University, arent there?


S: Quite right. However, it is for graduate, to whom there are more scholarships available.


W: Oh. Next, please give me some information about its colleges. It is said that there are 38 colleges in the University.

W:哦。接下来,请告诉我一些牛津大学学院的相关信息吧。我听说牛津大学有 38个学院。

S: Yeah! The University is a federation, comprising 38 self-governing colleges and 6 Permanent Private Hallsalong with a central administration headed by the Vice - Chancellor. The academic departments provide facilities for teaching and research, determine the syllabi and guidelines for the teaching of students, deliver lectures and seminars, and so on. Colleges have responsibility for admitting undergraduates and arranging the tutorial teaching for them.

S:是的!牛津大学是一所联邦学府,包括 38个自治学院和 6个永久性私人学堂,还有一个由副校长领导的中央管理中心。教务处为教学和科研提供资源,决 定学生培养的教学大纲和指导方针,并组织教学和研讨会等。学院则负责接 收本科生入学,以及结他们安排导师。

WTutorial teaching? I dont quite understand.


S: In Oxford, undergraduate teaching is centered on the tutorial, where 14 students spend an hour with an academic discussing their week’s work, usually an essay, or problem sheet.

S:在牛津大学,本科生教学是围绕着导师制展开的。 14名学生与一位老师用一个小时的时间一起讨论每周的作业,通常是一篇读书笔记,或者是一张问题单。

W: Fascinating! This is quite different from Chinese teaching! Do they still have classes?


S: They usually have one or two tutorials a week, and can be taught by academics at any colleges. They are also complemented by Jectures and seminars.

S:学生们通常一周有一到两次辅导课,他们也可以去听任何学院学者的课。作 为补充,学生们还可以参加讲座和研讨会。

W: What’s its academic year like? Is it also consists of two terms?


SNo. Its academic year is divided into three terms: Michaelmas Term lasts from October to December, Hilary Term from January to March, and Trinity Term from April to June.

S:不是的。牛津大学的一个学年分为三个学期:从 10月到 12月为秋季学期;从 1月到 3月为春季学期;从 4月到 6月为夏季学期。

W: Well, is it easy to get a Bachelor’s degree there?


S: It depends! However, the passing of two sets of examinations is a prerequisite for a first degree. The first set of examinations is usually held at the end of the first yearand the second at the end of the undergraduate courses. By the way, what do you want to major in?

S:依情况而定吧!不过,通过两次考试是取得学士学位的前提。第一次考试通 常在第一学年末举行,而第二次考试则在本科课程结束时举行。对了,你想 读哪个专业呢?

W: I havent yet decided.


S: It doesnt matter. You can call me anytime as long as you have questions. Here is my card!


W: Thank you for your patience.


S; Not at all!
