国际劳工组织: 2亿人处于失业状态

The International Labor Organization (ILO) is urging private businesses to invest more in workers and support efforts to reduce unemployment around the world.

国际劳工组织(简称 ILO)敦促私营企业加大对工人的投资并积极减少全球失业率。

The ILO released a report on Monday. It is called World Employment and Social Outlook 2017: Sustainable Enterprises and Jobs.

ILO于周一发布了名为《 2017年世界就业与社会发展:可持续的企业和工作》的报告。

The report states that more than 201 million people worldwide are jobless. It said that number represents an increase of 3.4 million people compared to 2016.

该报告指出世界范围内有 2.01亿人处于失业状态。2016年相比,失业人数增加 340万人。

The ILO says private companies, especially small - and medium-sized ones, can help to create good jobs around the world.


The ILO study found that such companies employ almost 3 billion workers, or 87 percent of total employment worldwide. And it says a strong public sector can serve as the base for economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction.

ILO研究发现,这些企业雇佣了约 20亿工作人员,约占世界总就业人数的 87%报告还指出,坚挺的公共部分是经济发展、创造就业和减少贫困的基础。

Deborah Greenfield is the ILO’s deputy director-general for policy. She says investing in workers is important for continued growth. Greenfield notes that providing training for permanent workers results in higher wages, higher productivity and lower unit labor costs. But she said many part-time and temporary workers are losing out.

ILO负责政策事务的副总干事 Deborah Greenfield,表示对工人持续投资对持续增长具有重要意义。 Greenfield指出,对于长期的工作人员提供培训会增加收入、提高生产率、降低单位劳动力成本。但是,她补充到很多兼职和临时工作人员在逐渐失业,

But intensified use of temporary employment is associated with lower wages and lower productivity without achieving any gains in unit labor costs. The report also finds that on-the-job training is an important driver of innovation. Since temporary workers are rarely offered training, this might also affect innovation in firms in a negative way.


The ILO report said in some cases, innovative thinking has led to the addition of more temporary workers, most of them women. That might be helpful in the short-term, the report said. But it keeps wages low and reduces productivity because of the unpredictability of temporary work and the lack of retirement and other benefits.


The ILO said innovation increases competitiveness and job creation for private businesses. It added that innovative companies are usually more productive, employ more educated workers, offer more training and add more women to the workforce.

国际劳工组织指出,创新增加了私营企业的竞争力并创造了新的就业岗位。 ILO还指出,通常而言,创新型企业具有较高的生产力、会雇佣更多高学历的职工,提供更多的培训机会,同时增加女性的员工比例。

I’m John Russell.
