
Volvo has announced that it is to stop producing diesel 1 and petrol only cars from 2019.

沃尔沃宣布从 2019年开始将停产纯柴油和汽油动力的车型。

In what's been described as an ' electric shock ' to auto 2 manufacturers around the world, Volvo has announced that it will cease making cars that are powered solely 3 by an internal combustion 4 engine from 2019.

Although that means that Volvo will be producing a growing number of all-electric vehicles, it won't quite be saying goodbye to diesel and petrol yet. That's because it will continue to manufacture hybrid-vehicles, which have both an internal combustion engine and a renewable power source.

Volvo is owned by Chinese company Geely - or Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, to give the company its full name. Geely is based in Hangzhou and also manufactures cars under its own brand, as well as being the parent company of the London Taxi Company.

The news should perhaps have been expected - as we're reported extensively over the last few months, electric and alternatively powered vehicles are going from strength to strength in China.

Nevertheless, Volvo is the first mainstream 5 car manufacturer to announce such a move. What's more, this is not the first time that the company has made a pioneering announcement in recent times.