印尼现罕见日全食奇观: 6个月亮

The eclipse began at 06:19 local time( 23:19 GMT Tuesday) as the Moon started to pass directly in front of the Sun.

本次印尼日全食开始于当地时间 9日上午 619分(北京时间上午 719分),此时月亮刚好位于太阳和地球的中间。

As the eclipse reached totality, the Moon blocked all direct sunlight, turning day into night.


In Indonesia’s Belitung province, a crowd gathered on a beach and witnesses spoke of a" magical" experience.


The eclipse was total in Indonesia and the Central Pacific, while parts of Australia and Asia experienced a partial one.


Astronomers reiterated advice not to look directly at the Sun with the naked eye, or through a telescope. Experts recommended using either a professional solar filter in front of a telescope or camera, or special eclipse-viewing glasses.


The total eclipse began at 00:15 GMT, with the moment of maximum shadow at 01:59 GMT. The celestial event will end at sunset, local time, north of Hawaii( 04:34 GMT).

本次日全食开始于北京时间上午 815分,最大阴影的时刻是在北京时间上午 959分。这次的天体活动将会结束于夏威夷北部,当地的日落时分。

Cambodia was among the Asian countries that saw a partial eclipse


Viewers were advised to wear special glasses before looking at the sun.


Belitung, Indonesia, was one of the best places to view the total solar eclipse.


From before dawn, about 200 people gathered at Olivier beach to watch. About 30 foreigners were in the crowd, travelling from Australia and Europe to see it.

凌晨,就有近 200人聚集在奥利维尔海滩等待观看。其中就有 30名是来自澳大利亚或欧洲的外国游客。

One of them was Wilma from Holland, who is a solar eclipse hunter and has seen the solar eclipse five times. She said that when the eclipse started an overwhelming feeling of peace came over her and she heard no sounds. It was a magical experience she said.


When the solar eclipse started the crowd cheered and then went silent in awe. People were taking photos while others just watched in amazement. Then when it finished people clapped quietly. It was an incredible experience, our correspondent said.


Across the island other people prayed in mosques, churches and temples.


Who can see what in this eclipse?


Because the eclipse path crosses the International Date Line, in the local time zones it begins on Wednesday 9 March and ends on Tuesday 8 March.

由于日食路径跨越国际日期变更线,本次日食开始于出现地时间 39日(周三),结束于消失地时间 38日(周二)。

This map shows the path of the eclipse, which will travel from west to east.


People along a 150 km-wide strip running through Sumatra, Borneo and Sulawesi - the path of eclipse totality - experienced the eclipse for about four hours on Wednesday morning.

日食整体的路径——始于苏门答腊,经婆罗洲和苏拉威西——跨越 150千米宽的路带,而这一线上的人们在周三上午能见到约 4小时的日食现象。

In Maba, Maluku Islands, there was darkness for about three minutes - the longest time in Indonesia. Other areas experienced blackout or darkness for about two minutes.


Skywatchers in southern China, south-east Asia, Australia, Hawaii and Alaska experienced a partial eclipse when the Moon’s penumbra - the outer region of the shadow - catches them. This looks as if a chunk of the Sun has been blacked out.

在中国南部,东南亚,澳洲,夏威夷和阿拉斯加等地区,天文观察者也见到了日偏食,此时月球的半影——阴影的外部区域 ——被挡住了。这看起来好像太阳的一大块变黑了。

For eclipse watchers outside these regions, a number of astronomy institutes hostedlive streams of the event.


What are scientists looking for?


Scientists at Nasa said they planned to use the event to study solar physics.


From Indonesia, they will use an instrument called a polarization camera to capture 59 exposures of the Sun in just over three minutes, collecting data on the innermost parts of the sun’s volatile, superheated atmosphere.

在印尼,他们将使用偏振相机来捕捉在三分钟之内太阳的 59次现身,收集太阳内部的波动以及过热大气层数据。

This region can only be observed during total solar eclipses when the Sun’s bright face is completely blocked by the Moon.


The lower part of the sun’s atmosphere, the corona, is thought to hold the keys to several solar mysteries, including the birth of explosive clouds of solar material called coronal mass ejections and the mystery of why the corona is actually hotter than the surface.


" The Sun’s atmosphere is where the interesting physics is," said Nelson Reginald, from Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.


The most recent total solar eclipse took place in the far northern hemisphere on 20 March 2015.

最近的一次日全食于 2015320日发生在遥远的北半球。

The European Space Agency’s Proba -2 satellite caught this view of the March 2015 eclipse.

欧洲太空总署卫星 Praba -2记录下了 20153月的日全食。