
Security during the Sochi Winter Olympics is bound to be tight. But it turns out that the competitors face a lot of restrictions. 索契冬奥会的安保一定非常严格,但是现在看起来运动员们面临的限制还有很多。

A sign in one of the bathrooms shows a number of do's and don'ts competitors will have to follow including ' Don't be sick in the toilet ', ' Don't stand on the toilet ' and even ' Don't fish in the toilet '! 冬奥会某厕所中的一块牌子上列出了运动员们该做和不该做的那些事,其中包括“不可在马桶里呕吐”、“不可站在马桶上”、甚至还有“不可在马桶里钓鱼”!

Posting a photo of the sign on Twitter, Candian snowboarder Sebastien Toutant said: ' Well that's interesting... Sochi rules in the bathrooms!! '加拿大滑雪板运动员 Sebastien Toutant在推特上晒出了牌子的照片,他写到:“这真有意思……厕所规范之索契版!


If Toutant was bemused by some of the rules in place the 21 - year-old will be shocked to find that some bathrooms even have side-by-side toilets! 如果这些无厘头规范会把 21岁的 Toutant逗乐,那有些厕所里的双马桶一定会把他深深吓到!

The toilets in a men's bathroom caused a social media sensation last month when they were discovered at the biathlon venue for the Sochi Olympics and swiftly became a national joke in Russia. 上个月,索契冬奥会冬季两项场馆某男厕中的双马桶在社交媒体上引起轰动,并迅速成为了俄罗斯人尽皆知的笑话。

Now, another privy without privacy has been found - right under the noses of the media. 而现在,就在媒体的眼皮底下,另一间毫无私密性的厕所被发现了。

Built for two, the toilets were found in a lavatory for female staff and volunteers conducting security checks of journalists at the new Main Media Centre. 这个双马桶厕所位于新的主媒体中心内,供为记者做安检的女员工及志愿者使用。

The Sochi organising committee initially denied knowledge of the second twin toilet, and later refused to comment. 索契组委会起初否认知晓第二间双马桶厕所的存在,随后拒绝对此事发表评论。

So, to recap: no heroin, vomiting, fishing, standing or peeing on the lid, but pooping side by side is totally cool. 最后我们来总结下:不可在马桶边嗑药、呕吐、钓鱼,不可站在或尿到马桶盖上,但是肩并肩一起上厕所是绝对要点赞的。