
Little is known about Ahmed Angel, the Iraqi model who has taken the Internet by storm this week. However, we do know this: He's a splendid specimen of mankind with a knack for flaunting his fabulous Photoshop skills. There's even a tribute video called" Ahmed is planet." 关于艾哈默德▪安吉尔我们知之甚少,这位伊拉克模特这周爆红网络。不过我们了解的是:他是一位特别赞的人类同胞代表,懂得如何炫耀自己超棒的 PS技术。网络上甚至出现了一个叫" Ahmed is planet"的致敬视频。

Just who is Ahmed Angel, the mysteriously bright-eyed, shiny-haired, self-loving poser trending online everywhere from Reddit to Kotaku to BuzzFeed? We're not certain, honestly. But here's what we've gathered so far:这个艾哈默德▪安吉尔究竟是谁?从社交新闻网站红迪网到游戏博客小宅网到新闻聚合网站 BuzzFeed,到处都在疯传这名网络新星的照片。说实话,我们并不确定这位有着明媚双眸、亮泽发质、特别自恋的神秘模特是何方神圣,这是我们目前搜集到了有关他的一些资料。


1. He is planet. And in a loving tribute to himself, he shows us all what that means. 他是行星,在他自己上传的那个叫" Ahmed is planet"的致敬视频中,安吉尔告诉我们这句话是什么意思。

2. He rocks acid-washed jeans. And not only thathe can look equally divine in shades of mustard, turquoise, taupe, cherry-red, yellow, chartreuse, pink, and white. 他和酸洗牛仔裤是绝配。不仅如此,各色衣服穿在他身上都独具风味,不管是深黄色、宝石绿、灰褐色、樱桃红,还是纯黄色、黄绿色、粉色或白色。

3. He’s accomplished, yet still learning. Angel is both a doctor and a student. ( It all depends which Facebook account you’re referring tothe regular page, on which he’s a student, or theofficialpage, on which he’s a doctor, and which is the only pagelikedby the regular one.) 他才华横溢但仍在学习。安吉尔既是医生又是学生。(这得看你浏览的是哪个脸谱主页——普通版页面上显示他是学生,但“官方版” 页面上他是医生。而且后者是前者唯一的“喜欢”对象。

4. His FB fans are gushers. They tell him,“ You make my life complete,” and,“ You are a wonderful creature,” and call himmega-inspirational,”“ amazing,”“ the best forever,”“ more beautiful than the sun and the moon combined,” and, simply,“ stunning.” 安吉尔的脸谱粉丝毫不掩饰对其赞美之词:“你让我生命完整了” 还有“你是神一般的存在”,这些粉丝说他“有巨大的精神鼓舞力”、“无比迷人”、“永远世界第一”、“比太阳月亮加起来更美丽”,还有简洁概括的“美呆了”。

5. His hometown is Iraq. But he’s already asuperstarin the Middle East, Europe, and Russia, he notes. 根据安吉尔的说法,他的家乡是伊拉克,但现在他已经成为中东、欧洲和俄罗斯的“巨星”。

6. He was a social-media Johnny Come Lately. Despite being a photographic and photogenic genius, Angel only first graced FB with his presence in January 2012. But he also has a vibrant presence on VK, a Russian social networking site with 43 million daily users. 安吉尔是个社交媒体新人。虽然他十分上镜,在摄影上具有天分,却是在 2012年第一次出现在脸谱网上。不过现在他会频繁登陆 VK网,这是一家每日用户达 4300万人的俄罗斯社交网站。

7. He’s a holy man. Angel is a Muslim, according to VK, who is inspired by Allah and looks down upon drinking alcohol and smoking. ( Hispersonal priority,” however, isfame and influence.”) 安吉尔有自己的信仰。VK网透露,他是个穆斯林,信奉真主阿拉,拒绝抽烟喝酒。(然而他的“个人重点”却是“名望和影响”。

8. He’s nothing if not well coiffed. Note the shapely eyebrows, glossed hair, made-up eyes and perfectly placed beauty mark. Or is it real? 如果他没有精心修整打理,就要逊色许多。看看他那匀称修剪的双眉、散发着光泽的头发、上过妆的眼睛和恰到好处的美人痣吧。真令人怀疑这是不是真的。

9. He’s a nature lover. Doves, dolphins, Gerbera daisies, butterflies, lilies, clouds, the Milky Way, expanses of green lawn, and the cerulean sea: Angel lovingly shares photo space with each, and never hogs the frame. 安吉尔热爱自然。他创建了多个照片分享空间,有鸽子、海豚、非洲菊、蝴蝶、百合花、云彩、银河系、广阔草坪和蔚蓝大海,各有主题,井然有序。

10. He’s multi-lingual. Angel is a speaker of English, Russian, Arab and French. And love. 安吉尔说多种语言:英语、俄语、阿拉伯语和法语,当然他也懂爱的语言。