席琳迪翁加盟央视春晚 与宋祖英共唱茉莉花

席琳迪翁加盟央视春晚 与宋祖英共唱茉莉花

China Central Television (CCTV) today confirmed the buzz in the entertainment industry that international pop diva Celine Dion will indeed perform a Chinese classic at its grand gala to celebrate the Chinese New Year. 据悉,全球最畅销女歌手、被世界媒体誉为上世纪 90年代至今的跨世纪天后席琳·迪翁将倾力加盟央视蛇年春晚。

The CCTV statement read that," Celine Dion, one of the best selling female singers in the world, whose career has spanned from the 1990 ' s up to now, will join CCTV's Spring Festival Gala." 据《新京报》报道,升降水幕将被用在歌曲《我心永恒》的演绎环节,随着音乐的变化,现场水幕会呈现出不同的造型。据悉,这首歌的演唱者席琳·迪翁此前国外的表演不少都是有升降水幕融入到舞台中。

The statement further added," Besides singing her classic ' My Heart Will Go On ' from the blockbuster movie ' Titanic, ' Celine Dion will also sing a duet-version of the traditional Chinese classic ' Jasmine Flower ' with Chinese folk diva Song Zuying." 28日,席琳·迪翁并没有来到现场,而是由工作人员代为走台。席琳·迪翁先和宋祖英合唱《茉莉花》,之后独唱《泰坦尼克号》主题曲《我心永恒》,而在这首歌的高潮阶段,水幕大帘放下,映衬着歌曲,画面感十足,很有感染力,全场掌声一片。

Chinese producer Gao Xiaosong admitted to helping Dion prepare for" Jasmine Flower" at a studio in the United States weeks ago. It is not surprising that" My Heart Will Go On" will be sung as the 3 D re-release of" Titanic" was a 2012 cultural phenomenon in China, raking in 975 million yuan( US $156.45 million) at the box office. The water curtain which Dion used to perform the song in Las Vegas will hopefully be replicated and brought onto the gala's stage 28日晚,宋祖英的经纪人郭遭华告诉《华西都市报》记者,此次,宋祖英与席琳·迪翁春晚合唱《茉莉花》,从音乐艺术感觉上,宋祖英认为,这种中外歌手组合演唱中国歌曲,大胆而又创新,令人耳目一新。

Dion is just one of several foreign artists, and the first international megastar, to be invited onto the center stage of China's most important annual gala, which will be watched by about one billion Chinese people. Her performance may compensate the departure of China's most popular comedian Zhao Benshan and Hong Kong superstar Jacky Cheung 央视春节联欢晚会自开办以来,从未有国外女歌手献唱过,席琳·迪翁此次登台也再次印证了今年“开门办春晚”的主旨。此外,国外演员表演的节目还有钢琴家雅尼的开场节目《琴筝和鸣》以及土耳其舞蹈《火》。

Chinese pop acts Sun Nan, Yang Kun, Jane Zhang, S. H. E., Leehom Wang, Na Ying; folk singers Song Zuying, Tan Jin, Li Guyi and Chinese rocker Wang Feng; as well as pianist Li Yundi, and hugely popular comedian Guo Degang will also appear during the CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, which falls on Feb. 9 this year A few big international names will also appear at China's local TV networks ' galas, such as the Backstreet Boys who will perform on China's Liaoning Province Television's Spring Festival Gala and" Gangnam Style" singer Psy, who is set for Shanghai's Dragon TV's Spring Festival Gala with Taiwanese supermodel Lin Chi-ling 28日下午,由哈文执导的 2013年央视蛇年春晚,首次带妆带观众在央视 1号演播厅彩排。谭晶、那英、郭德纲、冯巩等众明星组成的春晚阵容齐齐亮相,现场好评不断。据悉,全球最畅销女歌手、被世界媒体誉为上世纪 90年代至今的跨世纪天后席琳·迪翁将倾力加盟央视蛇年春晚。除演唱电影《泰坦尼克号》经典主题曲《我心永恒》之外,她还将民歌天后宋祖英合作带来中西合璧版《茉莉花》。除席琳·迪翁外,还有其他几位国际大牌明星准备加盟地方电视台的春节晚会。据悉,美国流行乐组合后街男孩将参加辽宁卫视春晚的录制。而去年以一曲《江南 Style》红遍全球的“鸟叔”也将亮相上海东方卫视春晚,“鸟叔”将在现场教林志玲跳“骑马舞”。