Enjoying a harmonious neighbourhood


“和谐邻里, 互助互爱”是中华民族的传统美德。最近, 某社区发生的一件事在当地传为佳话:两周前, 李明八十岁的父亲独自在家, 他突然生病了, 而李明夫妇在离家很远的学校工作。幸亏邻居张先生的帮助, 老人被及时送往医院, 现已脱离危险。李明十分感激。请根据上述材料, 用英语写一篇短文, 文章必须包括以下要点

1. 简述李明父亲被救的经过;

2. 你对这件事的感悟(拥有好邻居很重要, ……)

3. 如何成为好邻居(和睦相处, ……)

Enjoying a harmonious neighborhoodis one of our Chinese traditional virtues. What has happened in one community recently is a good example.

Two weeks ago,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



We can create a harmonious neighborhood in this way.


Enjoying a harmonious neighbourhood

Enjoying a harmonious neighbourhoodis one of our Chinese traditional virtues. What has happened in one community recently is a good example.

Two weeks ago, Li Ming&# 39; s father fell ill suddenly while he was staying at home alone. Li Ming and his wife worked in a school far away from his old father. His father was eighty years old. When the old man was ill he couldn&# 39; t get in touch with his son in time. When he was moving to the door and trying to open it, his neighbour, Mr Zhang found something unusual. He came to the door and found the old man was serious ill. He quickly called 120 and the old man was taken to the hospital quickly. Now the old man was out of danger. Li Ming was quite thankful to his neighbour for his kindness.

It&# 39; s important to have a kind neighbour. There is an old saying in China: A good neighbor is better than a brother far off. We should get on well with the neighbors in daily life. When anyone is in trouble, the others should offer a hand in time. Love is not only among the family members, but also the neighbors. In daily life, we should form the warm relations with our neighbors from some small things. For example, greeting each other when meeting or during the festivals, giving some presents to each other, and say something good and kind to our neighbors.

We can create a harmonious neighborhood in this way.