哈佛大学校园英语情景对话 34:哈佛 -耶鲁橄榄球赛

John invites Han Meiinei to watch the video of Harvard-Yale Game 2009?

JHan, how about going to my house and watch Harvard-Yale Game 2009?

J:韩,去我家看 09年的哈佛 -耶鲁橄揽球赛怎么样?

H: Id love to. Thank you.


( They are watching The Game)


J: God damn it! What the hell are you doing? Only 2 minutes and 25 seconds are left God! Come on!

J:该死的!都在干什么呢只剩下 225秒了。天哪!加油

H: You look excited.


JYale now leads 10 to 7. The Crimson’s going to lose this game.

J:现在耶鲁 107领先了,深红队要输了。

HNever saygive upso easily.


J; Maybe its Yale’s turn to win. In the past 8 years, the Bulldogs won only once.

J:也许该轮到耶鲁赢了,过去 8年牛头犬队只羸了一次。

H: I believe itll win again. Let’s make a bet on it.


JHa! Han, dont forget it’s last year’s game. I’ve already known the result.


HHave you? Why did you behave so excitingly just now?


JI didnt want to tell you the result in advance. Besides, that’s normal reactions when we boys are watching a game. Still, I restrained myself from saying dirty words in front of you.

J:我不想提前告诉你结果啊。还有,这是我们男生看球时的正常反应。不过,我还 是克制自己不在你面前说脏话。

H: It’s over. Harvard wins. It beats Yale 14 to 10.

H:结束了,哈佛臝了, 1410打败了耶鲁。

J: I knew the last minutes of the game was really exciting, but I havent got the chance to watch the whole game before. It’s the Crimson’s 8 th win in 9 years against the Bulldogs.

J:我知道最后几分钟的比赛确实很刺激,但一直设时间看。这是深红对在 9年的时间里第 8次赢牛头犬队了。

H: It’s really something.


JIn recent years, the Crimson has really done a good job. But Yale still leads the series 65-53-8.

J:近几年深红对确实干得不错,但耶鲁仍然以 65胜, 53负, 8平领先。

H: The Crimson is rising now.


J: Be that as it may, Yale ended a five-game losing streak against Harvard in 2006wining 34 to 13, the biggest margin in recent ten years.

J:话虽如此,耶鲁在 2006年打破了五连输的局面,以 3413的大比分赢了哈佛,这可是十车来最大的比分差。

H: Both teams are awesome.


JPlayers contest fiercely, so do spectators. Yale students often tease Harvard students. During the game, if you go to Yale campus, youll be astonished to find that Yale students wear sports shirts withHarvardon them.

J:选手们激烈对抗,观众们也是。耶鲁的学生就经常调侃哈佛的学生。你如果在比 赛期间到耶鲁去,就会惊奋地发现耶鲁学生身上竟穿着印有"哈佛” 二字的运动衫。

H: What for?


J: If you look closely, youll find a line of small words readingI have never been to”. On the tombstones of some toys in Yale’s shops, you can find words likeMay you rest in peace, Harvard!

J:仔细一看,会发现还有一行小字"我从未去过”。在一些商店的玩具墓碑上,你 还可以看到这样的字”安息吧,哈佛!

HHa! So funny! But it demonstrates that Yale takes Harvard seriously. Otherwise, itll just ignore Harvard.


JMake sense. Another interesting thing is that Yale students often yell at Harvard students on the stand" No class on Monday”.

J:言之有理。另一件有趣的事是耶鲁的学生经常对看台上的哈佛学生大喊"我们固 -没课'丨。

H: Why? Is it funny?


JYale students have no class during the Thanksgiving week, but Harvard students have classes on Monday. As a result, Yale rooters wear clothes as if it were summer. They dont worry about getting a cold and asking for leave.

J:耶鲁学生在整个感恩节周都没课,但哈佛学生周一还要上课。因此,耶鲁的啦啦 队员就穿得跟夏天一样,不用担心感冒请假。

HOh, I see. Harvard students have to take classesso their rooters cant act as energetically as Yale rooters.


JThe most notorious practical joke took place in 2004 when Yale students directed theWe Suckshow.

J:最有名的恶作剧是在 2004年,耶鲁学生导演了一场‘‘我们很烂”的戏。

H: What’s that?


J: To put it in a simply way, Yale students, disguising as Harvard students, handed out placards to some 1,800 Harvard alumni; when raised, the signs spelled outWE SUCK". These fans were told that words would beGo Harvardand they believed it! Now Yale students still laugh at Harvard, because 1,800 Harvard alumniadmittedsimultaneously that Harvard sucked.

J:简单地说就是耶鲁的学生装扮成哈佛学生的样子,把事先做好的,举起来会拼出‘ '我们很烂"字样的纸板发放给 1800名哈佛校友,并告诉他们拼出来的字是"加油哈佛”,哈佛校友信了 I现在耶鲁学生还嘲笑哈佛,因为他们有 1800名校友同时"承认”哈佛很烂。

HOh, my god. Harvard students must be pissed off.


J: Besides the pranks, The Game is also famous for the large, joint Harvard-Yale tailgate parties. The tailgate party was even televised by ESPN in 2004.

J:除了恶作剧,还有哈佛和耶鲁联合举办的大型场外派对也很出名, 2004年甚至在美国娱乐体育台播出了。

H: Awesome!
