
North Korea appears to have started dismantling important parts of its main satellite launch center.


The activity appears to fulfill a promise to United States officials by North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un.


Some experts believe North Korea is trying to build trust with the U. S. The two sides continue diplomatic talks aimed at ending North Korea's nuclear weapons program.


Other experts say dismantling some parts of the launch area will not reduce North Korea's military ability. They also worry that the work is being done without verification.


Satellite pictures show activity


The website 38 North said satellite pictures from July 20 to 22 show efforts to dismantle parts of the Sohae launch area. The parts include a rocket engine test stand used to develop liquid-fuel engines. Such engines are used for long-distance missiles and space vehicles. A building where space launch vehicles were built before being prepared for launch also was taken apart, said 38 North.

三八线以北网站表示, 720日到 22日的卫星图片显示了拆除西海卫星发射场部分设施所取得的成就。这些设施包括用于开发液体燃料发动机的火箭发动机试验台。这种发动机被用于远程导弹和太空飞行器。三八线以北网站表示,空间运载火箭发射前的组装平台也被拆除了。

" These facilities are believed to have played an important role in the development of technologies for the North's intercontinental ballistic missile program," Joseph Bermudez wrote. He reported the findings saying that the North Korean efforts were an important confidence building act.

Joseph Bermudez写道:“据认为这些设施在朝鲜洲际导弹计划的技术开发中发挥过重要作用。”他报道了这一调查结果,称朝鲜的努力是一项重要的建立互信的行为。

An official from South Korea's presidential office said Tuesday that Seoul has also seen the activities at the Sohae launch site.


Other experts said North Korea is giving up little in dismantling the rocket engine test center.


Adam Mount is an expert at the Federation of American Scientists. He said he is worried about North Korea's decision to dismantle its facilities without verification. Such a step would require international inspectors.

Adam Mount是美国科学家联合会的专家。他说,他对朝鲜在未经核实的情况下决定拆除其设施表示担忧。这一步骤需要国际核查人员参与。

In May, North Korean officials invited international reporters to watch the destruction of tunnels at its nuclear testing area. But, they did not invite international experts.

今年 5月,朝鲜官员邀请了国际记者观看了该国摧毁核试验区隧道。但是,他们没有邀请国际专家。

Mount said in an email that North Korea still has not dismantled centers that produce or store nuclear or missile systems or transportation for the missiles.


Lee Choon Geun is a missile expert at South Korea's Science and Technology Policy Institute. He said the North's action was an important development and may lead to more activities at the area.

Lee Choon Geun是韩国科学政策研究所的导弹专家。他说,朝鲜的举动是一项重要进展,可能会引发该地区更多的举动。

Lee said, if North Korea dismantles the entire Sohae launch area, it would reduce greatly the country's missile threat. He said other centers in North Korea are not as well built.


But Mount disagrees. He said the threat reduction would be small. He added that North Korea has missiles that do not require a special launch center.

但是 Mount不赞同。他称降低的威胁非常小。他补充说,朝鲜拥有不需要特定发射场的导弹。

After his meeting with Kim in Singapore on June 12, Trump said he was told by Kim that the North was" already destroying a major missile engine testing" area.

川普 612日在新加坡会见金正恩之后表示,金正恩告诉他,朝鲜已经在摧毁一处重要的导弹发动机测试中心。

The two men ended the meeting by saying they both wanted a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons. But, some experts do not believe Kim will ever give up his nuclear weapons because he may see them as the best guarantee of his survival as leader.


I'm Susan Shand.
