牛津大学校园英语情景对话 27:本是同根生

L: Excuse me, would you please let me in?


F: Ok!


After Lucy sit down, they chat with each other joyfully,


F: Hi, I’m Felix. Nice to meet you!


L: Lucy, nice to meet you too!


F: Are you coming to Britain to have a trip?


L: No, I’m going to France to have a trip! I was bom and grew up in Oxford, and found a job in London.


F: Oxford? Great! I just have a question... I heard the wordOxbridgemany times during my journey. I dont quite understand. Could you explain it to me?

F:牛津市?棒极了!我正有个疑问……在旅途中我多次听到了 "牛桥"这个词。 我不是很明白它的意思。你可以给我讲讲吗?

L: Certainly! Oxfordis a portmanteau of the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, as they have a large number of similarities.


F: Yet why notCamford”?


L: Well,“ Camfordis also used by people, but not so frequently.


FI see. Why do the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge have so many common features?


L: It relates to the history of the two universities. Actually, they share the same founders. The Cambridge University was established by the scholars taking refuge from Oxford in 1209, when there were severe riots between town and gown.

这就关系到两校的历史了。其实,它们有着共同的创建者。剑桥大学是由从牛津大学逃离的学者们于 1209年建立的,那时城镇里的居民和大学生之间发生了很严重的暴力事件。

F: I just know both universities comprise lots of buildings of great beauty and antiquitysited on level terrain near slow-moving rivers. What other similarities do they have?


L: So much! For instance, they have the similar collegiate structure, teaching system, approaches to undergraduate admissions, and so on. Both of them contain more than 30 self-governing colleges; both of them are in the specialsupervisionortutorialsystem; both of them have a long history of more than 800 years.

L:太多了!比如:它们有类似的学院结构、教育制度、本科生录取机制等。它们都是由 30多个自治的学院组成的,都釆用独特的导师制,都有 800多年的悠久历史。

F: Though there are so many common features, differences also exist between the two universities, right?


L: Yeah! Firstly, there are differences in the terminology used at the two universities. For example, the student activity room is often referred to asCommon Roomat Oxford, whereas in Cambridge it is sometimesCombination Room"; the large enclosed squares of grass found in most colleges are referred to asquadrangles”( orquads”) in Oxford andcourts’, in Cambridge.

L:是的!首先,两校的用语有很大的不同。例如:学生活动室在牛津是“公用室”, 到了剑桥就成了 ‘‘温含室”;牛津的内院叫做方庭,剑桥叫做大院。

F: Oh! I also know that counselor is calledTutorat Oxford, while it is calledSupervisorin Cambridge.

F:噢!我也知道一个,老师在牛津被称作"导师",而在剑桥却被称作"辅导 老师”。

L: You’re right! They arrange examinations in a different way. Cambridge students generally sit examinations at the end of every year, while Oxford students only sit two sets of examinations in the first two years, and one at the end of their final year.

L:你说得很对!它们在考试安排方面也有所不同。剑桥的学生们一般每年都要 考试,而牛津的学生们仅仅在第一年有两次考试,然后在最后一年的期末有 一次考试。

FWell, the differences seem to be very slight.


L: Absolutely, never forget that they are born in the same root.


F: Aha! It's amazing! They just like twins!


L: Yeah! It’s the case! Most Oxford colleges have a sister college in Cambridge, and some sister colleges are in the same name, such as Jesus College at Oxford and Jesus College at Cambridge. However, not all Oxford colleges have a sister college in Cambridge, because Oxford has more colleges than Cambridge.

是啊!也可以这么说丨大部分牛津学院在剑桥都有一个姐妹学院,而且一些 姐妹学院有着同样的名称,比如牛津大学耶稣学院和剑桥大学耶稣学院。但是, 并不是所有的牛津学院在剑桥都有一个姐妹学院,因为牛津的学院要比剑桥 的多。

FMarvelous! It’s very nice to have a talk with you. I need to wet my whistle. I’m just going to grab a drink. Do you want one?


L: No! Thank you all the time!


F: My pleasure!
