牛津大学校园英语情景对话 07:学院制

PMary, you look confiused. What’s up?


MHi, Phil! I couldnt puzzle out the organization of the Oxford University, though I thought about it the whole night yesterday.

M:你好,菲尔!虽然我昨天苦苦思索了一晚上,但我还是弄不明白牛津大学的 结构。

P: Oxford University? Why do you pay attention to it?


M: Well, I read an article about the school life in the University of Oxford. I found it was very interesting, so I want to know more about it.

M:是这样的,我前几天看到过一篇有关牛津学习生活的文章。我觉得很有意思, 所以就想多了解一些关于牛津的讯息。

P: Oh. One of my good friends studies in the Oxford University, and we always talk about the topic. Wish I could help you!

P:哦。我有个好朋友在牛津大学读书,我们曾经谈论过有关的话题。希望我能 够帮到你!

M: Wonderful! Would you please tell me the relationship between the Oxford University and its colleges?


POk! The relationship between the University of Oxford and its colleges is not obvious to anyone who has not experienced it. As thus, it’s natural for you to feel confused.

P:好的!对于任何一个设有在牛津大学读过书的人来说,牛津大学和它的众学 院之间的关系都是很不明显的。所以,你感觉迷惑也是很正常的。

M: You dont need to comfort me, go ahead!


P: There are 38 independentself-governing colleges all together at Oxford University. The colleges are the basis of undergraduate lifethey live, eat and do their laundryat their colleges.

P:牛津大学总共有 38个独立自治的学院。学院是本科生生活的主要场所,他们在自己的学院里吃、住和洗衣。

M: Well, where do they have their classes?


P: Much of their learning take place within the college walls, though lectures and seminars may take place in university departments or lecture rooms in other colleges. By the way, there are more than 70 departments in the University at the present time.

P:虽然他们会在学校的各个系和.报告厅 里上课或参加研讨会,但是很多时候 他们都在自己的学院学习。顺便说一下,牛津大学目前有 70多个系。

M: It seems that each college has its own library, right?


P: Quite right! Undergraduates usually use their college libraries, not the Bodleian, which is the central University library. There are of course exceptions~ department libraries and the Radcliffe Camera of the Bodleian Library.

P:完全正确!本科生一般使用的是他们自己学院的图书馆,而不是牛津大学的 中央图书馆,即牛津大学图书馆。当然也有例外,本科生也会使用系里的图 书馆和牛津大学图书馆的拉德克里夫图书馆。

M: What a large number of libraries the University has!


PYeah. Actually, facilities such as libraries are provided by the central university, the departments, and colleges. The library provided by the central university is called as the Bodleian Library. Each department has its own individual departmental library. Moreover, all colleges maintain a multi-discipline library for the use of their members.

P:是的。事实上,像图书馆这样的设施是由中央大学、院系、以及学院一起提 供的。由中央大学提供的图书馆叫作牛津大学图书馆。每个系都有自己独立 的系图书馆。而且,所有的学院都有一个多学科的图书馆以供其学员使用。

MThat sounds good! There are so rich resources, no wonder it produced that many excellent people all around the world.


PExactly. Do you still have questions?


M: Yes, the last question -~ who is responsible for examninations and the degreegranting?


pAcademic supervision is college-based and there are periodic college exams. However, the university is the degree-granting body and sets the exams required to obtain a degree.

P:学术监管是基于学院的,因此有定期的学院考试。但是,学校是学位颁发的 主体,它组织学位考试。

M: I’ve got it! That is to say. nobody graduates from a college.


P: That’s right!


M: Thank you for your time! It’s very kind of you!


P: Dont mention it!
