
News about endangered species often worries people. But on December 5, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, or IUCN, had some good news. In publishing its yearly" Red List" of endangered species it noted some success for two kinds of New Zealand birds. The IUCN said the Okarito kiwi and the Northern Brown kiwi are now in less danger of disappearing from existence than in the past.

濒危物种的相关消息经常令人担忧。但在 125日,国际自然保护联盟(简称 IUCN)宣布了一些好消息。该组织在其年度发布的《濒危物种红色名录》中提到了新西兰在保护两种鸟类上取得的一些成功。世界自然保护联盟表示,奥卡里托几维鸟和北布朗几维鸟目前濒临消失的危险性要低于以往。

Key to helping the kiwis


The IUCN reports that New Zealand is reducing the populations of animals that kill and hunt the birds. The animals include stoats and cats.


The number of Okarito kiwi has risen from 160 in 1995 to as many as 450 now, the IUCN said. It reported a rise in Northern Brown kiwi numbers also.

世界自然保护联盟表示,奥卡里托几维鸟的数量已经从 1995年的 160只增加到了目前的 450只。该组织也报告了北布朗几维鸟数量的增加。

The IUCN is made up of government and non-government experts. Its studies help guide conservation policies. The Red List identifies which local species are at risk of disappearing from Earth.


Two species are new to the IUCN endangered list. The Irrawaddy dolphin and the finless porpoise travel along the coastlines of Southeast Asia. The Red List report says these sea animals get trapped in fishing nets and are harmed by other human activities as well.


The use of gillnets is among the fishing methods harmful to these species. The nets are used on the Mekong River and in other major waterways. They hang across waterways and entrap everything in the path.


Researchers have counted for the Red List about 91,500 of almost 1.9 million described species. Of these, 25,821 are threatened, 866 no longer exist and 69 others no longer exist in the wild. The IUCN describes 11,783 species as vulnerable, 8,455 as endangered and 5,583 as critically endangered.

研究人员为这份濒危物种红色名录已经评估了 190万种已知物种中的 91500种。这其中有 25281种受到威胁, 866种不复存在(灭绝),还有 69种在野外不复存在(野外灭绝)。

Australia's Western Ringtail possum has moved from vulnerable to critically endangered on the Red List. The IUCN said its population dropped by 80 percent over the past ten years.

澳大利亚的西部环尾负鼠从红色名录上的易危变成了极危。世界自然保护联盟表示,过去十年这种动物的种群数量下降了 80%

Possum now in danger


The Western Ringtail possum was once widespread in peppermint and eucalyptus forests. Now the animal has only a few disconnected places to live. High temperatures, which sicken the species, are becoming increasingly common where it lives.


The IUCN announced its findings in Tokyo. The Toyota automobile company helps pay for IUCN studies. The group warned of habitat loss and other dangers for some newly studied Japanese native species of lizards and snakes.


I'm Jill Robbins.
