
As the United States pulls back from large free trade deals in the Asia-Pacific, Japan is competing with China for influence in the area.


Japan is discussing deals to build a train line in the Philippines, a seaport in Cambodia, and a free trade agreement for countries around the Pacific Ocean.


Trans-Pacific trade deal could still go forward


U. S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership, or TPP, free trade deal in January. That move left 11 countries including Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore wondering how to move forward.

美国总统川普今年 1月份退出了跨太平洋伙伴关系协定。此举使得包括日本、越南、马来西亚和新加坡在内的十一个国家不知所措。

Japan led the remaining countries to a revised deal at a meeting last week of the 21 - nation Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group in Vietnam. The new free trade deal is called the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.

上周在越南举行的亚太经合组织 21国首脑会议上,日本牵头剩余国家推进一项修改过的协议。这项新的自由贸易协定被称之为“全面且先进的跨太平洋伙伴关系协定。

Japan is also increasing its investment in major Southeast Asian countries. Japanese investment in major countries in the region has averaged $20 billion each year from 2011 to 2016. That is more than double the average from the five years before 2011.

日本还增加了对东南亚主要国家的投资。 2011年到 2016年,日本对该地区主要国家的年平均投资额达到 200亿美元,这比 2011年前五年的年平均投资额翻了一倍多。

Trade routes and navigation important issues to Japan


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was among the leaders at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, meeting in the Philippines this week.


The 10 - member ASEAN group agreed to upgrade a nine-year-old trade agreement with Japan. A spokesman for Abe, Norio Murayama, said Japan hopes to secure trade routes through Southeast Asia to markets as far away as Africa.


Murayama said," For Japan, the country surrounded by the sea, a maritime order is extremely important." He raised concerns, however, about the safety of shipping through the region.


Jeffrey Kingston is a writer and instructor at Temple University Japan. He said there are concerns that China may seek total control over navigation in the South China Sea.

杰弗里·金斯顿( Jeffrey Kingston)是日本坦普尔大学的一名讲师和作家。他说,有担心中国可能会寻求全面控制南中国海的航行。

" A lot of Japanese investment, a lot of factories ' offshore operations (are) located there," he said.


China and Japan seek influence with ASEAN countries


China and Japan still face difficult issues linked to Japan's activities before and during World War II. The two countries also have conflicting claims to some small islands in the East China Sea.


Japanese direct aid around the world increased by 12.7 percent last year to $10.37 billion. The foreign ministry says on its website that Japan is seeking to support the goals of" human security" and" sustainable development." Japan wants to do this based on the needs of individual countries.

日本去年在全球的直接援助增长了 12.7%,达到 103.7亿美元。日本外务省在其网站上表示,日本正在寻求支持“人类安全”和“可持续发展”的目标。日本希望基于不同国家的需求做到这点。

China, however, has proposed a huge development program involving hundreds of billions of dollars. Known as the" One Belt, One Road" infrastructure campaign, the project aims to link Asia, Europe and even Africa.


Stephen Nagy is an associate political science professor at International Christian University in Tokyo.

斯蒂芬·纳吉( Stephen Nagy)是东京国际基督教大学的一名政治学副教授。

He said Japan's efforts in Southeast Asia will become clearer because the U. S. is currently not as active in the region under President Trump.


Nagy said Japan has an important part to play in developing partnerships in the region. He added that Japan's efforts help balance China's expanding economic, diplomatic and security influence throughout Southeast Asia.


I'm Mario Ritter.
