剑桥大学校园英语情景对话 16:《小熊维尼》与米尔恩

B: Excuse me, do you have any teddy bear here? I want to buy the teddy bear Wlnnie - the Pooh as a birthday gift for my friend.

B:打扰一下,你们这儿有玩具熊卖吗?我想要买维尼玩具熊作为生日礼物送给我朋 友

C: Of course. Please follow me.


BWinnie-the-Pooh is my friend’s favorite toyso I'd like to get her one.


C: Pooh Bear is so cute that people love it. Ever since its birth in 1920 s, it brings endless mirth to children.

C:维尼熊是那么的可爱,所有人都喜欢它。自从它在 20世纪 20年代诞生以来.就绾孩子们带来了 无尽的欢乐。

BWow, it has a long history. Winnie-the-Pooh is created by Alan Alexander Milne, right?

B:哇,它有这么长的历史啊。维尼熊是艾伦亚历 山大米尔恩创作的,对吗?

C: Yes. At the age of 42, Milne published When We Were Very Young, a collection of poetry for children, included a poem about the bear. And then he published Winnie the Pooh in 1926 and The House at Pooh Corner in 1928.

C:是的。米尔恩 42岁时,发表了一本名叫《当时我们还很小的时候》的诗集,诗集里有一首关于熊的诗。随后他又在 1926年发表了《小熊维尼》,在 1928年发表了《菩角小屋》。

B: I heard that Milne is most famous for his two Pooh books about a boy named Christopher Robin after his son, and various characters inspired by his son’s stuffed animals, most notably the bear named Winnie-the-Pooh.

B:我听说米尔恩是以两本维尼熊故事书而闻名于世的。那两本书讲述的是一个叫 克里斯多夫罗宾的小男孩的故事。书中的小男孩是以米尔恩儿子的名字命名的。 书中的其他角色也是受他儿子的毛绒玩具启发而创造出来的,其中最著名的就是 维尼熊。

C: Well, you know a lot of Winnie-the-Pooh, too. Christopher Robin Milne’s stuffed bear was originally namedEdward”.

C:关于维尼熊,你知道的也很多。克里斯多夫罗宾米尔恩的毛绒玩具熊原来的名 字叫"爱德华”。

B: It was renamedWinnie-the-Poohafter a Canadian black bear named Winnie, which was used as a military mascot in World War Iand left to London Zoo during the war.

B:它是以一只澳大利亚黑熊维尼的名字重命名的。那只澳大利亚黑熊是一战时的军 队吉祥物,住在伦敦动物园里。

CAll three books were illustrated by E. H. Shepard, using his own son’s teddy as the model.

C:米尔恩的三本书的插图都是由 E. H.谢培德画的,谢培德以他儿子的玩具熊作为模 特画了插图。

B: Later Pooh became an industry, producing toyscomics, and such films as Winnie-the - Pooh and the Honey Tree from Disney.

b:随后维尼熊发展成了一个产业,生产玩具、连环 a和《小熊维尼和蜂蜜树》这样的迪斯尼电影。

CSpeaking of Milne, he is not only good at writing, but also good at math.


B: He is a gifted mathematician and he won a scholarship to Westminster School when he was only eleven.

B:他是个天才的数学家,在 11岁时就获得威斯敏斯特学校的奖学金。

C: He studied mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge, and edited the undergraduate magazine Granta. After receiving his B. A. in 1903, he started his career as a freelance writer.

C:米尔恩在剑桥大学三一学院学习数学,并编辑了一本本科生杂志《格兰特》。 1903年他拿到学士学位后,开始了自由撰稿人的职业生涯。

BDuring World War I he served in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment as a signals officer. The horrors he witnessed in the war left him a lifelong nostalgia for the idyllic childhood.

B:一战期间,米尔恩作为一名信号官在皇家沃里克郡军团工作。他在战争中所目睹 的恐惧使他余生都迷恋于快乐的童年生活。

C:“ A children’s bookmust be written, not for children, but for the author himself,” he once said.


B: When the disillusioned post-war writers depicted thelost generation’’ of the 1920 s, Milne returned in his Pooh books into the safety of his early years.

B:当战后幻想破灭的作家在描写 20世纪 20年代的“迷惘的一代”时,米尔恩却把注意力转向他的"小熊维尼”系列书,重温快乐的童年生话。

CIn the 1930 s and 40 s Milne was active in religious and pacifist polemics. At the age of fifty-six he published his autobiography It’s Too Late Now, which focused mostly on his childhood years.

C: 20世纪 30年代至 40年代,米尔恩活跃于宗教和反战辩论运动中。 56岁时,他出版自传《现在已经太迟了》,着重描述他的童年生活。

BAfter the success of Milne’s books, his son Christopher Milne has later confessed that he had problems coping with the legendary literary figure created about him.


CChristopher Milne has also said that his mother, Daphne, invented stories about toy animals and provided most of the material for his father’s books.
