走进剑桥大学英语听力系列 14:花花公子拜伦

MLucy, what are you reading?


LChilde Hamid ' s Pilgrimage, the talented poem of Lord Byron.


MYou mean Lord George Gordon Byron, the playboy?


L: Yesit is him. He did have a lot of love-affairs during his short life. But he is a poet of overflowing brilliance in the first place.

L:是的,就是他。在其短暂的一生中,他的确有很多风流韵事,但他毕竟是一个才 华横溢的诗人。

M: Indeed. Byron is a household name. His works, Childe Harold fs Pilgrimage and Don Juan are well-known.

M:的确是这样。拜伦是个家喻户晓的名字。他的作 品《恰尔德罗德游记》和《唐璜》很有名。

LBesides this, there are many romances about him that are well-known even when he was in Harrow.


M: His complicated relationship with women may have been influenced by his childhood experience. At home Byron’s alcoholic governess made sexual advances when he was nine.

M:他和女性的复杂关系可能是受童年经历的影响,当拜伦只有 9岁时,嗜酒成性的女家庭敎师就对他进行了性侵犯。

LAnd according to some sourcesByron was also seduced by the lord who rented his mansion before he inherited it.


MAt Cambridge, he even aroused alarm with bisexual love affairs.


L: When he was in Cambridge, he wasn't a hardworking student, but he read many books on history, literature and philosophy. And he spent his leisure time on drinking, hunting 0, shooting and swimming.


MByron’s first two cantos of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage became blockbusters when they were published.


L: He became an adored character of London society. He spoke in the House of Lords effectively on liberal themes, and had a hectic relationship with Lady Caroline Lamb.

L:拜伦成为伦敦社会的宠儿。他在上议院就“自由"这一主题高效地阐述了自己的 观点,还和卡罗琳兰姆夫人有过一段炽热的爱情。

M: But Byron married Anne Isabella MiLbanke in 1815, and their daughter Ada was born in the same year. The marriage was unhappy, and they obtained legal separation next year.

M:但是拜伦在 1815年和安妮伊莎贝拉米尔班克结婚。同年,他们的女儿艾达出生。 不过这段婚姻并不幸福,在第二年,他们就分居了。

L: When the minors of his incest with his half-sister, Augusta and accumulating debts started to rise, Byron left England in 1816, never to return.

L:当关于他和同父异母的姐姐奥古斯塔乱伦以及债务不断攀升的谣言开始广泛传播后,拜伦于 1816年离开了英格兰,就再也没有回来了。

M:“ The only virtue they honor in England is hypocrisy," he once wrote a friend.


LByron settled in Geneva with Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Shelley and Claire Clairmont, who became his mistress. There he wrote the two cantos of Childe Harold and The Prisoner of Chillon.

L:拜伦和珀西比希雪莱、玛丽?雪莱以及其情妇克莱尔克莱蒙特一起定居在日内 瓦。在那里他创作了《恰尔德哈罗德游记》的另外两个章节和 < 锡隆的囚徒>。

MAt the end of the summer Byron decided to continue his travels, spending two years in Italy. While staying in Venice Byron proudly claimed he had different woman on 200 consecutive evenings.

M:夏末,拜伦决定继续他的旅行,花两年时间去游历意大利。待在威尼斯时,拜伦骄慠地宣布连续 200个晚上都有不同的女人和他共度良宵。

LDuring the years in Italy, Byron wrote The Lament of Tasso and started Don Juan, his satiric masterpiece.


M: After a long creative period, Byron had come to feel that action was more important than poetry. He armed a brig, the Hercules, and sailed to Greece to aid the Greeks, who had risen against their Ottoman overlords.

M:经过长时间的创作后,拜伦发觉行动比诗歌更重要。干是他驾着英国大船‘‘赫拉 克勒斯号"前往希腊,协助希腊人反抗土耳其领主。

LHowever, before he saw any serious military action, Byron contracted a fever from which he died in Missolonghi on 19 April 1824.

L:然而,在拜伦目睹任何正规的军事活动之前,他就发了高烧,并因此于 1824419日在梅索朗吉昂辞世。

M: Byron’s body was returned to England but refused by the deans of both Westminster and St Paul’s. Finally Byron's coffin was placed in the family vault at Hucknall Torkard, near Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire.

M:拜伦的遗体被运回英格兰,但威斯敏斯特敎堂和圣保罗教堂的主教都拒绝把他的遗体安葬入内。最终拜伦的棺木被安葬在诺丁汉郡纽斯台德修道院附近赫克诺尔 的家族墓穴内。