剑桥大学校园英语情景对话 10:老鹰酒吧

T: I often go to pubs and I drink beerchat with my friends and watch the show there. I quite enjoy going to pubs. Do you have any recommendation?

T:我经常去酒吧,我在那儿喝酒、聊天、看演出。我很喜欢去酒吧,你有什么推荐 的地方吗?

WI think you should go to Cambridge, then. The small city is the house of about 200 pubs. And there are so many interesting pubs in the University of Cambridge.

W:那么我想你应该去剑桥,那个小城有 200多家酒吧,并且剑桥大学里还有很多有意思的;西吧。

TI heard that the students in Cambridge like drinking and some of them even go to binge drinking.


W: That’s because they are so stressful due to intensive courses and hard exams. Students like to go to drinking societies and pubs around the campus.

W:那是因为他们课程太多、考试太难、压力太大了。 他们喜欢去饮酒社团和校园里的酒吧。

T: My friend said that she once went to the Eagle Pub and it’s really nice.


WYeah. If you are looking for a pub that is historically fascinating, conveniently placed and large, then this is the one for you.

W:是啊。如果你想寻找一个有历史魅力、交通便利 且宽敞的酒吧,那么老鹰洒吧就是最佳选择。

TThe Eagle Pub has a long and interesting history. First opened in 1667 during the era of the Great Fire of London and the Black Death, it was originally a coaching inn.

T:老鹰酒吧历史悠久,史上还发生过不少趣事。当它在伦敦大火和黑死病(鼠疫)肆虐时期的 1667年开放时,它只是一个车站酒馆。

W: During the Second World War, it was particularly popular with the air men stationed on the airfields dotted around the city.


T: According to the newspaper, if you take a look at the RAF bar out the back, you can still see graffiti on the ceiling, made by the RAF and US aircrews who scorched their names with candles and cigarette lighters.


W: And it stands as clear proof of Cambridge as a place of innovation. It was in this very pub, on the 28 February 1953, that Cambridge scientists James Watson and Francis Crick first announced they had discoveredsecret of life”.

W:而且老鹰酒吧还是剑桥大学作为创新基地的有力证明。 1953228号,正是在这个酒吧,剑桥大学的科学家詹姆斯?沃森和弗朗西斯克里克首次宣布他们发 现了 "生命的秘密”。

T;“ Secret of life”? You mean DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid?

T:"生命的秘密?”你指的是 DNA(脱氧核糖核酸),是吗?

W: Yes. When the University of Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory was still at its old site nearby Free School Lane, the pub was a popular lunch destination for staff working there.


T: Oh, I see, so it became the place where Francis Crick and James Watson often visited.

T:哦,我知道了,所以老鹰酒吧也就是弗朗西斯克里克和詹姆斯?沃森经常光顾的 地方。

W: But just do not expect good beer or good food at the Eagle Pub.


T: Eagle Pub was prosecuted by Cambridge City Council for alleged poor food hygiene standards.


WThe charges, all of which related to May 2008included accusations that the pub did not provide soap for customers to wash their hands with in the bathrooms, and that the equipment used to prepare food was not sufficiently cleaned or disinfected.

W:指控是在 20085月提出的,包括酒吧在洗手间里不提供香皂,顾客无法洗手,烹制食物的厨具设有清洗或消毒干净等等。

T: As well as this the pub was accused of leaving windows open allowing flies to enter and failing to store raw meat in hygienic conditions.


W: I’m so sorry to hear that, because Eagle Pub is a part of Cambridge’s heritage, dating back to Tudor limes when it served as a coaching inn in the 17 th Century.

W:很遗憾听到这些,因为老鹰酒吧是剑桥大学的遗产,早在 17世纪的都铎王朝时期,它就作为一个车站酒馆存在了。

T: I’m not happy to hear that, too. It was popular among students and tourists alike.


W: A girl said online that she often pops in the Eagle Pub as it’s close to her work. But she can assure people that convenience is the only draw.
