剑桥大学校园英语情景对话 04800年的精神地图

C: Have you come out to see the light show last night?


N: Yes, of course. It was really spectacular. I heard that it was designed by a world-renowned light artist Ross Ashton.

N:当然去了,真是太精彩了。我听说这是由世界著名的光影艺术家罗斯阿什顿设 计的。

C: This year has been a very special one for the University of Cambridge, as we have celebrated 800 years since our foundation.

C:去年对剑桥来说真是非同寻常的一年,它都成立 800周年了。

N: True. The 800 th Anniversary has been commemorated in a wide variety of events throughout the year, and now the time has come to bring the celebrations to a close.

N:对啊。为了庆祝建校 800周年,学校在去车一整年间举办了各种各样的活动,现在到了结束庆典的时候了。

C: Do you still remember that exactly twelve monthsfrom the start of the Anniversary Year, when more than 10,000 people crowded into central Cambridge to witness a spectacular light show on the Senate House and Old Schools?


NYes. But it is a pity that I havent witnessed the show because of some personal affairs. When I got know that this show would last for 3 days and was even bigger than that of last year, I felt so happy and decided to go out and see it every night.

N:记得。但是很可惜,我因为别的事情耽搁而没看成那场秀。当我知道这次的光影秀会连续举办 3天,而且会比上次的规模还大时,我特別高兴,决定每晚都要出来看。

C: Whereas last year’s show focused on Cambridge’s illustrious history, this year’s show will focus on the transformative research taking place at Cambridge.


NStunning images will showcase the breadth of work happening today.


C: This was the finale of the 800 th anniversary and a truly perfect one. I like the name of the showTransforming tomorrow”,

C:这次光影秀大概是 800年庆典的终曲了。它真的十分完美,我很喜欢它的名字"改 变明天”。

NI like it too. One committee member of the anniversary said that they were hoping to look forward and transforming tomorrow by recognizing how much our predecessors have done and current students and staff are doing in a way that we hope again will inspire the next generation to continue this for at least 800 years.

N:我也很喜欢。一位庆典;舌动的负责人说,他们希望通过认识先辈们的贡献和目前 师生们的付出,来展望未来,改变明天。并且表示,这将会激励下一代人,从而使这种盛况再延续至少 800年。

C: Besides the anniversary, there has also been the Darwin Festival to mark 200 years since the birth of Cambridge man Charles Darwin and 150 since the publication of his ground-breaking Origin of Species.

C:除了固年庆典,还举办了达尔文节以纪念査尔斯?达尔文诞辰 200固年和《物种起源》发表 150周年。

NI saw a light show of Darwin last night. He was riding on a turtle. Did you see it?


CYes. It was funny. The designer is a genius.


N: Comparing to the University, we are here just for a short time. We should cherish every moment of being here.


C: You’re right. We’re here to celebrate the accomplishments, the many accomplishments of our predecessors, which have exerted great influence on the development of the society.

C:你说的对。我们在这里为先辈们所取得的成就而庆贺,这些成就对社会的发展产 生了重要的影响。

N: Do you know why they choose King’s College to give the show?


C: King’s is renowned for fine food and immaculate service so it was the perfect setting for the show. King’s Hall is a spectacular venue full of grandeur, but is also a flexible space which made it ideal for this prominent event.

C:国王学院精致的食物和周到的服务很有名气,是作展示的理想场所。它的门厅气 势恢宏,又不失张力,用来作这个重要展示十分完美。

NSounds good. Have you attended other events or lectures during the year, for example, the exhibition in Cambridge University Library which lasts for 6 months?

N:有道理。在这一年中,你还参加过别的展览或者讲座吗,比如剑桥大学图书馆里举办的为期 6个月的特展?

C: Yes. It was a great exhibition namedAdvancing by degreeswhich explores themes of governance, membership, scholarship and outreach across the centuries to ask what makes Cambridge.

C:去了。那个展览也相当不错,名字叫做“逐步发展",它探讨了学校在各个时期 的管理、录取、奖学金制度等问题,并且让人思考究竟是什么成就了剑桥。

N: I am sure everyone who came to the exhibition has already found the answer. Physical growth and development of Cambridge have not obscured the fact that the university's enduring staple is its people and ideas.

N:我敢肯定每位去看过展览的观众都已经找到了答案。剑桥大学物质上的增长和发 展掲露了这样一个事实——人材和思想才是大学最重要的组成部分。