耶鲁大学校园英语情景对话 20:法学院的“法兰绒公主”

BHave you seen the news on internet saying that Geithner and Hillary will come to Beijing on May 24?

B:你看网上的新闻了吗?据说盖特纳和希拉里将于 2010524日访问北京。

LNope. Who is Geithner?


BHe is the current U. S. Treasury Secretary.


LI see. What’s the visit for?


B: The two-day visit will concentrate on economic issues. Theyll talk with Chinese leaders about the RMB exchange rate

B:这次访问为期两天,主要是关注经济问题。他们将会与中国领导人讨论人民币的 汇率等问题。

LHillary does have good stamina and resilience as a  lady over sixty.

L:希拉里都 60多岁了,精力真是旺盛。

BWell, that’s life for state leaders. President  Hu  and  Premier Wen  do the same thing. Dont they?

B:作为国家领导人,在各地奔波就是他们的生活。中国的胡主席和温总理不也是整 天公务繁彳亡吗?

LThat’s true.


B: Not long before, she said in an interview that the constant travel and demands of being Secretary of State are beginning to take a toll.


LAt the beginning of April, it is said that Hilary might be nominated by Barack Obama to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. Is it true? In that case, she may feel somewhat relieved.


BI dont think so. According to a White House spokesman, the president thinks Secretary Clinton is doing an excellent job as Secretary of State and wants her to remain in that position.

B:我觉得不是真的。据_位白宫发言人说,总统认为希拉里作为国务卿,工作做得 很好,€让她继续待在那个位置上呢。

LI think it might be a better choice for her to work at the Supreme Court. Anyway, she is not only a woman but also an aged one.

L:我倒认为她去最高法院是更好的选择。无论如何,她不但是个女人,还是个上了 年纪的女人。

BWell, she'd denied the speculation twice. On May 2, she spoke on NBC'sMeet the Pressthat she didnt want to serve on the Supreme Court and had never wanted to be a judge. She said she would serve out the term at State Department.

B:可是,她已经两次否认了这种猜测。 52日,她还在美国国家广擋公司的记者会上说,她不想去最高法院任职,也从没想过做法官。她说她会一直留在国务院, 直到完成任期。

LShe is really ambitious and has a tenacious character.


B: Yeah. She has always been ambitious since she was a little girl. The same as her husband!


LWhat a charming coincidence! Two of the most ambitious Americans went to the same school and became couple.


BI heard that Hillary was both charming and diligent when at Yale.

B:听说,希拉里在耶鲁读书的时候就很迷人,学习也很 i力奋。

LAs far as I know, she always dressed herself specially: flannel shirtthick glasses, and plain clothes. So she was nicknamedflannel princess”. In addition, although she is extroverted, she rarely dated other boys before Clinton.

L:据我所知,她上学的时候着装总是很特别:法兰绒衬衫、厚镜片,以及朴素的衣月 S因此,同学们称她为"法兰绒公主”。另外,尽管她很外向,但是在克林顿 之前她都设怎么和别的男铉子约会。

BMaybe she was busy with other things.


LYou are right. She served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, participated in anti-war student strike, and had organized some campus lobbying campaigns. She began dating Bill Clinton in her second year when Bill was in his first year.

L:是的。她在 的编辑部兼职,曾参加反战的学生罢课 活动,还组织了一些校园游说活动。在她研究生二年级的时候,开始与一年级的 比尔克林顿约会。

BYou mean Hillary was a year ahead of Bill?


LYes. She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973, having stayed on an extra year to be with Clinton.

L:是的。她为了和克林顿在一起,延期了一年, 1973年拿到法学博士学位。

BI heard that Hillary helped Clinton a lot to run for president. But it was well-known that Clinton had many love stories. How could Hillary bear it?

B:听说,在克林顿竞选总统的时候,希拉里帮了他很大的忙。可是,众所固知克林 顿的桃色新闻很多,希拉里怎么能忍受呢?

L:  Once she said, only Clinton could make her laugh heartily. She went alone to marry Clinton in a state with neither relatives nor friends. And she quitted her job as a lawyer in order to assist Clinton. I think she really loved Clinton.

L:她曾经说过,只有克林顿能让她真正地开怀大笑。她只身_人来到既没亲人也没 朋友的地方,嫁给克林顿,还为了协助克林顿放弃自己的律师职业。我想,她是 真地爱克林顿的。

BAlthough she had always been tolerant, I think when the sex scandal was world-widely known, as a woman, she was really hurt.


LI also think so. Put aside her political ideas, I do think she is a respectable woman. She had beard so much with fortitude for her dreams as well as love. Few people can do to the extent as Hillary did.


BSomeone said, Hillary’s masculinity, vitality and tolerance, plus a mild and passionate Clinton, seemed to be the ideal couple of their generation. What’s your opinion?


LMaybe that’s why Hillary did so much for Clinton, although it seems to be opposite to Chinesewit and beauty”.

