耶鲁大学校园英语情景对话 17:耶鲁战哈佛

BAlice, fancy that!


AYeah, Bruce, fancy meeting you here!


BIt has been long time since I saw you last. What are you engaged in?


AI have been busy preparing for the Graduate  Record Examination.  I  want to go abroad. And you? What are you up to?


BI have just handed in my thesis. You know, a boring task. I am here to refresh myself. I would like to feast my eyes on an excellent rugby game.

B:我刚刚交了论文,你知道,写论文很麻烦。我来这儿想放松一下,看一场精彩的 橄榄球比赛。

AWhat is that?


BIt is the rugby game between Yale and Harvard University, a yearly event. It is also regarded asthe glory fightfor the two universities. It is the American version of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

B:是一年一度的耶鲁对战哈佛的橄榄球比赛。它被看作是两所大学间的‘‘荣誉之战' 是美国版的牛津剑桥划船赛。

AThat must be a big shot. I do not care about sports that much in the spare time, can you tell me more?


B: You are finding the right person, my pleasure. This rugby game finds its trace in 11) 1875 and has been held 126 times, usually takes place in November. The two universities take turns to be the host.

B:你可是找对人了,我很乐意。耶鲁和哈佛的橄榄球比赛开始于 1875年,通常在每年的 11月举行,到现在已经举办了 126届。两所大学轮流做东道主。

AI know there is always cut-throat competitions between the two universities. Can it be seen as a kind of competition?


B: Yeah, exactly. Both universities count much on it.


A: I bet the scene must be magnificent.


B: You said it. The stadium is full of audience whether it is in Yale or in Harvard. Students have their own way of celebrating such as waving flagssinging, or showing the logo. Both teams have their own colors and choirs.

B:你说得对。无论在耶鲁还是在哈佛,体育场都是人山人海。学生们都有自己的庆 祝方式,如挥旗、唱歌,或舞动标语。两支球队都有自己的队服和队歌。

AI just couldnt help watching it.


B: Yeah, it is really worth watching. Before I forget, I have heard that you are troubled with the application things, what is wrong?

B:是的,它的确值得一看。我差点忘了,听说你最近正为申请学校而发愁呢。怎么 回事?

AI just couldnt decide which university to choose.


BWhat do you have in mind?


AYale and Harvard are my all-time favorites.  Both  have their edges and  I  am just tom between them. It is a hard choice for me to make.

A:耶鲁和哈佛都是我的最爱,两所学校各有千秋,我只是左右为难。对我来说,做 出选择很难。

B: Absolutely! Being members of the Ivy League, both universities boast of their professorsteaching equipment and management. By the way, the two universities both excel in liberal arts. What are you interested in?

B:的确。作为常青藤联盟的成员,两所大学都有_流的师资配备、教学设施和管理 体系。对了,两所大学都擅长文科,你对什么感兴趣?

AI am keen on the law. I just wish to be a lawyer.


BThe law schools of the two universities enjoy a big  fame.  Howeveraccording  to the rank of law schools issued by U. S. News and World ReportYale  tops  most  of the time partly due to her bringing up of the recent three presidents.


AWow! Three presidents? Really?


BThat is true, Bush Senior, Bill Clinton and Bush Junior  are all  from Yale Law  School. It seems that Yale is the cradle of presidents.

B:是真的,老布什、克林顿、小布什都毕业于耶鲁法学院。耶鲁可以说是总统的摇 篮啦。

AMany newspapers say Harvard has a great potential in the cultivation of law students. One law professor from the University of Chicago once compared it to a sleeping lion but now it has waken up. He said that Yale Law School is going downhill for most of its professors are over 60. To keep its edge, Yale has to resort to recruiting the new stars in Harvard.

A:许多报纸都说哈佛在培养法律专业的学生方面有很大的潜力。芝加哥大学的一位 法律系教授曾把哈佛法学院比作一头睡狮,但现在觉醒了。他认为,耶鲁法学院由于教授大多超过 60岁,正在走下坡路。为了保持优势,耶鲁不得不挖走哈佛 的法学新星。

BThey are involved in a rat race!


AYou got it! Yale was originally founded to compete with Harvard. If you take a walk in the campus of Yale, you may find the tombstones in the closet of shops which read:“ Lay silence, Harvard!

A:是啊!耶鲁当初建校的目的就是与哈佛相抗衡。在耶鲁的校园里随便走走,你就 会看到商店的橱窗里摆放的墓碑,上面刻着“安息吧,哈佛”。

BThat sounds quite interesting.


AAs far as I am concernedwhere there is competition, there is progress.


BI cant agree with you any more. Maybe you can refer to more sources and take various factors into consideration. You know, going abroad needs a lot of money which many of us ill afford to pay.

B:我非常赞成你的观点。你可以再查阅一些资料,统筹考虑各方面的因素。要知道, 出国需要不少钱的,许多家庭都负担不起。

AIt’s true. The tuition fee is also my concern. Both universities offer favorable preferences. Since 2008, Yale has cut down the tuition fee by a large margin ensuring the admittance of more outstanding students. However, nearly at the same time Harvard also offer tempting scholarships. I find myself in a dilemma.


BAnyway, both universities are of first class. No matter where you  arewhat you have learned matters most.


ARight, I will think twice before I make the decision. Thanks for your tips.


BWish you a bright future. I will be there if you need a helping hand.


AThanks a million. What about watching the rugby game together?


BSure, let’s start.
