耶鲁大学校园英语情景对话 16:常青颂

N: Hi, mom. My graduation ceremony will be held next Saturday and will last for three days. Would you like to attend it?


AHoney, Id like to. But I planned to visit Sam next Saturday. You know, he lives alone and expects visitors especially after his retirement.

A:宝贝,我想去。但是我早已计划好了,下固六去看山姆。你知道的,他孤苦伶仃 的,退休后就更希望有人去看望他了。

N: But this is my one and only college graduation. I really hope you there.


AWhat’s the schedule of the commencement?


N: Saturday is dean’s reception 4 for Yale College seniors and their families, as well as a series of concerts.


AHow about Sunday?


N: Sunday will be the most highlight part, especially the Class Day. The Baccalaureate is at 11 a. m.. And Class Day will begin at 2 p. m..

N:周日是重头戏,尤其是"毕业班日"。布道会将在上午 11点开始,"毕业班日"是下午两点开始。

A: Well, then do you mind if I skip - the first day?


N: All right. I'm glad for your coming. There will be much fun. I'm sure you11 be happy.


AAre there any interesting activities?


N: Of course. On Class Day, seniors will march from each street or college onto the Old Campus, and will be accompanied by the customary display of creative hats.

N:当然啦。"毕业班日”那天,毕业生从各街道和学院浩浩荡荡走进"老校区",并 顺便展示他们的创意学士帽。

ACreative hats? What’s that?


N: Throughout the 3 - day commencement, graduates are clad in black gowns, but we are free to design our headgears. A birthday cake, leafy garlands, figurines④, pointed hats embroidered with a slimY”, or hats with all manner of stuffed animals, and so on and so forth.

N:在为期三天的毕业典礼活动中,毕业生们都要穿着黑色的袍子,但是我们可以自由地设计各自的学士帽。可以做成生日蛋糕的形状,可以做成绿叶装饰的花环,可以顶个小雕塑,可以是上面绣着瘦长的“ Y”字样的尖顶帽子,也可以是装饰着形态各异的小动物工艺品的帽子,等等。

ASounds interesting. I’m eager to see those odd hats. By the way, what’s your creation?

A:听起来很有意思。我都迫不及待想看看那些奋形怪状的帽子了。对了,你的设计 是什么样子的?

NWell, it's a secret. You must be surprised on Sunday. Just wait patiently.


AOk. I’m looking forward to that day.


NI heard that Clinton will be the featured speaker at Class Day.


AReally? That’s big news. I still remember him spoke at Yale’s tercentennial. It’s on Oct. 62001shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

A:是吗?那可是条大新闻。我还记得他在耶鲁 300固年纪念活动上的演讲呢。 2001106号,就在 9. n恐怖袭击后不久。

N: Exactly. Clinton emphasized the importance of teaching tolerance and compassion in a world riddled with hatred and doubt, and lauded Yale for being aglobal university.He also spoke at his 35 th reunion in 2008.

N:是的。当时克林顿强调,在一个充满仇恨与怀疑的世界里,教学生学会容忍,学 会同情别人,这一点很重要。他还称赞耶鲁是一所"全球性的大学”。 2008年,他还在他的 35周年毕业聚会上作演讲了。

AAnd I'm sure well see a crowded Yale on Sunday. People will come from far and near to see former president Clinton. Anyway, Yale students will be happy to have such a high-profile figure deliver the address.

A:固日耶鲁肯定会很拥挤。人们会从四面八方赶来看一眼前美国总统克林顿。不管 怎样,能请来这么高层次的人物做演讲,耶鲁学生会很开心的。

N: Such as me. I’m confident he will give a meaningful speech. Despite his sex scandal, I am moved by his charity work.

N:我就是个例子。我相信,克林顿一定会做一场很有意义的演讲。尽管他曾传出过 性丑闻,但是他在慈善事业上的努力还是令我感动的。

AI agree. The Clinton Foundation has been doing good things to people in Africa and Latin America...

A:我也是。克林顿基金一直在为非洲及拉 丁美洲的人们做善事……

N: Anyway, few universities have the ability to attract former presidents. What an amazing place Yale is! And how lucky I am to be a Yalie!

N:毕竟,很少有学校能请到前总统做演讲。耶鲁真是个好地方啊!作为耶鲁的一分 子,我多么幸运!

AYeah. I’m proud of you, baby. What’s following the speech?

A:是啊,我为你自豪,宝贝。演讲之后是 什么活动呢?

NWell, a lot of things, such as planting the memorial Ivy. The  final  Class Day tradition  is the singing of the alma materBright College Years.

N:哦,还有很多活动呢。比如,种植常春藤。‘‘毕业班日”最后一项传统是含唱校歌"美 好的大学时光"。

AI see. When would you get your diploma?


NDiploma ceremony is on Monday.


AI'm afraid I would cry out seeing you receive the diploma  from  your  Dean.  You  are  a big boy now.
