
When you remove a photo from your cell phone, it may not be gone for good. That is great news if you accidentally delete an important photo. But it could be a big problem if a photo you wanted to delete is still on your phone.


You may think when you tap the trash can icon to delete a photo, that photo is no longer on your phone. But that may not be true. The photo may stay on your phone for a while to give you a chance to restore it.


So, it is important for you to know what happens to a photo when you send it to the trash.


iPhone and iPad photos app


When you tap the trash can icon on iPhone or iPad, you will see a confirmation. It asks if you want to delete or cancel. When you choose delete a notice tells you the photo will be deleted from all of your devices.

当你点击 iPhoneiPad上的垃圾桶图标时,你将会看到一个确认窗口,询问你是要删除还是取消。当你选择删除时,系统会提示你该照片将会从你的所有设备中删除。

Your photo will disappear from view then and there. But it is not truly gone.


Instead, the image is sent to the Recently Deleted album in the Photos app where it remains for 30 days. During that time you can return a photo from the Recently Deleted album to your phone. You can also choose to delete it permanently.

相反,该图片被发送到了照片应用程序中的最近删除相簿中并保留 30天。在此期间,你可以从最近删除相簿中把照片恢复到你的手机。你还能选择永久删除它。

To find the Recently Deleted album, open the Photos app, then tap Albums in the bottom menu. Swipe to find the Recently Deleted album.


Tap on the Recently Deleted album to find the photos you have deleted within the past 30 days. On each photo will be a number representing the days left until the photo is deleted permanently.

点击最近删除相簿,找到你最近 30天内删除的照片。在每张照片上都有一个数字,代表这张照片被系统永久删除前的剩余时间。

If you decide you want to keep a photo or delete it at that moment, tap Select in the upper right corner of the screen. Then tap the photo you want to keep or delete so a check mark appears.


Tap Delete or Recover at the bottom of the screen to delete the photo or add it back into the app.


If you choose to delete a photo from the Recently Deleted album, you will be asked to confirm your choice. You will also be warned:" This photo will be deleted. This action cannot be undone."


Google Photos


Google Photos keeps deleted photos for 60 days before they are permanently removed from your account. You can restore deleted photos within that time. You can also permanently delete photos if you do not want to wait 60 days for them to disappear.

Google相册在永久移除已删除照片前会保留 60天。你可以在该时间内恢复已删除照片。如果你不想等待 60天才让这些照片消失,你也可以永久删除照片。

To find photos you have deleted, open the Google Photos app and tap the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen. The menu will appear.

要找到你已经删除的照片,请打开 Google相册,然后点击屏幕左上角的菜单图标,菜单就会出现。

Tap Trash to see the photos you have deleted from Google Photos within the past 60 days.

点击垃圾桶可以查看过去 60天内你从 Google相册中删除的照片。

Tap the three dots in the upper right corner of the Trash page. You will be given the option of Empty Trash, that will permanently delete photos in Trash from Google Photos. You also have the option to choose photos.

点击垃圾桶页面右上角的三个点号,你就能获得清空垃圾桶的选项,该选项将从 Google相册中永久删除照片。你也能看到选择照片的选项。

Choose photos you want to either delete or restore. Then tap the trash can or the circle arrow in the upper right corner of the screen to delete or restore the chosen photos.


If you choose to delete the photos, you will be asked to confirm. You will also get the message," Deleting items from the trash is permanent."


Deleting photos from other photo services


If you use a different app for storing and sharing your photos, check to see whether deleted photos are truly deleted. This information can come in handy whether you accidentally delete a photo or want a photo to disappear.


Either do an Internet search or look within the app to see what happens to deleted photos for the photo service you use.


I'm Caty Weaver.
