英语口语情景对话大全 1046Mother Father Island父岛和母岛

Sorie: So Mark, you and I are married and we've lived in


Mark: We still are, aren't we?


Sorie: We are married. I said we are married. And we've lived in several special places and I'd like to share our experience of Ogasawara.


Mark: Ogasawara is amazing, isn't it?


Sorie: Yeah. Can you tell us the place, and where it is?


Mark: Ogasawara is a group of islands that's in the Pacific Ocean. And there's no airport there and if you want to go there, you got to take a boat that goes from Tokyo. And that boat takes 25 hours to get there, and it runs just once a week.

马克:小笠原群岛是太平洋上的一个群岛。岛上没有机场,如果你想去旅行,你要从东京乘船过去。要坐 25个小时的船才能到那里,每周只有一班船。

Sorie: That's right. It's 1,000 kilometers away from Tokyo.

索里:没错。那里距离东京有 1000公里的距离。

Mark: Yeah, directly south.


Sorie: Okay. And the population?


Mark: There's two inhabited islands in Ogasawara. One is called Chichi-jima and there's 2,000 people, roughly, there. And Haha-jima is about 400 people.

马克:小笠原群岛有两个岛有人居住。其中一个岛名为父岛,大约有 2000人居住。另一座岛是母岛,人口约有 400人。

Sorie: Yeah. And Chichi-jima is Father Island and Haha-jima is Mother Island. And Father Island is a little bit bigger than Mother Island.

索里:对。 Chichi-jima是父岛,而 Haha-jima是母岛。父岛的面积比母岛大一些。

Mark: Yes. And we lived in Chichi-jima.


Sorie: And we lived in Chichi-jima. That's right. And what kind ofwe had an amazing lifestyle there. Do you remember how we ended up there and what we were doing?


Mark: Well, our good friend Rio-san has a eco village in the mountain there. And he built the whole place on the side of a mountain with his bare hands basically, with wood and he built his home where he lives with his wife and two children. And he built loads of like cabins, as you might in Thailand or Philippines or somewhere like that, which is quite unusual in Japan. But he built these also with his own hand and he like connected them together with like wooden bridges. And yeah, that's where he lived and we really wanted to live so close to nature. So we saw Rio-san and found out that he had a little shack at a bit lower down from his house, and the girl that was living there was gonna move out. So we really wanted to move in there. So we asked him and we ended up living there.

马克:我们有一个好朋友叫 Rio-san,他在那里的山上建立了一个生态村。他徒手用木头在山旁建立了生态村,他把房子建在那里,和妻子还有两个孩子一起生活。他建了很多小木屋,就是大家在泰国和菲律宾经常看到的那种小木屋,不过这种小木屋在日本很罕见。他用自己的双手建立了这些小木屋,然后用木桥把它们连接起来。他就生活在那里,我们非常想住在靠近大自然的地方。我们发现在 Rio-san的房子下面一点的地方有一个棚屋,住在那里的女孩要搬走。我们想搬到那里去住。所以我们跟 Rio-san说了,然后我们就在那里生活了。

Sorie: Yeah. I remember the day we went to see that little shack. And it was extremely small, four-by-three. I would say, 4 meters by 3 meters.

索里:对。我还记得我们去看棚屋的那天。那里非常小,面积是 4米乘 3米。

Mark: 4 centimeters by 3 centimeters.

马克: 4厘米乘 3厘米。

Sorie: It was really small.


Mark: That's how small it seemed.


Sorie: And it was hanging on the side of the hill. Yeah, it was raised on a scaffolding, and because it's a very wet place, so it gets really humid and you don't want any contact with the building and the land. So we were hanging on the side of the hill.


Mark: And there's the ants. Do you remember the ants? They had to build it on the scaffolding because there was white ants. They called them termites, that can eat the wood.


Sorie: That's right.


Mark: Do you remember seeing those ants?


Sorie: I remember that. I remember how scared we were when the hurricanethe typhoons would come and the whole shack would shake. And we'd be like praying so that we wouldn't slide to the side of the hill.


Mark: Do you remember our chickens?


Sorie: Yeah, we had four chickens. What about our toilet, do you remember?


Mark: I remember our toilet. Digging the toilet. I remember digging the toilet and making the compost and moving the toilet every now and then. I remember growing all the vegetables. I remember collecting the eggs.


Sorie: Yeah. One of the hardest things was the showers. We had this solar panel-run showers, and when it was cloudy, in the middle of the winter, I would suffer. It was so hard to take cold showers.


Mark: Yeah. It wasn't like very cold was it really compared to mainland Japan but it really, really did feel cold with the wind there. Like you say, when the cloud came across because there was no hot wateryeah, it was tough. But did you remember next to the showers, every two weeks or so in the winter, Rio-san would light up themake a fire, like wood-burning fire which heated up the outdoor pool?

马克:对。同日本内陆相比,那里不是很冷,可是刮风的时候会非常冷。在多云的天气,我们没有热水洗澡,所以很痛苦。你记得冬天的时候,每隔两周左右 Rio-san会在沐浴器旁边生火吗?用木头生火使室外泳池的温度上升。

Sorie: That's right.


Mark: And there's no hot springs on the island but we got to sit in the pool, under the stars in the evening.


Sorie: Yeah. There were so many great experiences and to realize also that nature is so powerful. And if you want to live with it, you have to coexist and you have to be very strong to live in a place like that.


Mark: Hmm.


Sorie: And do you remember also the community, how everyone was?


Mark: Lovely community, wasn't it?


Sorie: Hmm, because it's such a small place.


Mark: Exactly. There had to be a strong community in the mountain. There's only 400 people in the mountain, wasn't there? Two thousand total. It was like a separate village from the other village.

马克:没错。山区的社区一定要非常强大。那个山区只有 400个人居住,不是吗?人口一共是 2000人。就像是脱离其他村庄的一个独立村庄。

Sorie: From the main town.


Mark: Yeah, everyone looking out for each other and sharing. Do you remember the fisherman who used to share his fish?


Sorie: Ah! He'd bring this big chunks of tuna, fresh tuna. It was so delicious.


Mark: Such good memories there, wasn't it?


Sorie: Yeah, definitely.
