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Almost anyone with a good idea and the ability to write directions for a computer software program can make products that were not possible before the internet.


But it is not enough to just have an idea. A team of people with different skills is necessary to turn that idea into reality.


Teams like this are often formed at an event called a hackathon.


Sabeen Ali is the founder and leader of a California company called AngelHack. It organizes hackathons around the world.

Sabeen Ali是加州一家公司名为 AngelHack的创始人和领导人。该公司在全世界范围内都有这样的黑客马拉松团队。

At a hackathon, she says, people with creative ideas can join with others to develop and write computer programs.


A hacker is anyone that can take limited resources or be in any type of constraint - - time constraint, resource constraint, knowledge constraint - - and create something from nothing or something from very little.


As a child, Sabeen Ali learned to live on very little money. Her parents were immigrants from Pakistan. Her father died when she was very young.


I lived in a house with a single parent, three kids. And we had to figure out how to do a lot of things on our own.


Ali said she used her childhood experiences to create her company.


Somebody who works in a larger organization 9 - to -5, building the same app, day after day, can come and build that thing that’s been keeping them up at night. Or somebody like me, who’s an entrepreneur, who has this amazing idea - - I know how to make money from it, I know all the customers and the clients, but I dont have the tech resources to be able to put it together - - I needed this type of outlet and support and forum.


Her business has organized hackathons in more than 90 cities throughout the world. Hackers form teams, and compete to win awards for the best idea and best product.

她的公司在世界上 90多个国家都有黑客马拉松团队。电脑黑客们组建成这个团队,竞争最好的主意和最棒的产品。

AngelHack works with a winner from each event for 12 weeks, helping them form companies and persuade people to invest money in their idea.

AngelHack和一个各项都突出的优胜者一起工作 12周了,帮助他们组建公司,说服投资商为他们进行投资。

The top teams are brought to Silicon Valley, near San Francisco, where they present their idea to hundreds of possible investors.


Some teams helped by AngelHack have had great success. Investors gave one team $10 million. Two others were bought by Google, the technology company.

AngelHack旗下的好多团队获得了巨大成功。投资商们对团队的投资多达一千万。其中有两个团队为技术公司 GOOGLE购得。