
Who doesnt love going on holiday, taking a days off to meet with friends and family or explore the world? But will a holiday really make you happier?


Research from the Netherlands on the impact of holidays on individual happiness has turned up surprising results. Setting out to measure the effect a holiday has on overall happiness, as well as the period of time this happiness lasts, researchers studied 1503 Dutch adults of whom 974 went on holiday during the 32 week period of study.

荷兰一项假期对个人幸福程度的影响的研究,有了令人惊讶的结果。为测定假期对人幸福程度的影响,以及幸福感持续的时长,调查者对 1503名荷兰人进行了研究,其中有 947名被研究者在长达 32周的研究期中度过假。

The study, published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life, found that the largest increase in levels of happiness occurs when one is planning their holiday and anticipating leaving for it. This level of happiness is sustained for eight weeks prior to the onset of the vacation itself.


Are You Happier After Going On Holiday?


Sadly, this research also found that, once one returns to work there is little if any ongoing boost in happiness. How much stress or relaxation an individual experiences while on holiday impacts their continued levels of happiness on their return to work.


However, the maximum period of time sustained happiness was found to last is two weeks. Only individuals who reported feelingvery relaxedduring their vacation reaped this benefit.


Surprisingly, even those travelers who described their trip as beingrelaxingdid not reap the benefits of those who described it asvery relaxing”.


They were no happier than people who had not been on holiday,” said the lead author, Jeroen Nawijn, tourism research lecturer at Breda University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.

The takeaway here is to ensure that your holiday is as relaxing as possible, make sure you get at least one or two days ofyou timeand really do something that you will appreciate. This will help to ensure that the happiness benefits of your holiday last longer.


Vacations do make people happy,” Mr. Nawijn said. But we found people who are anticipating holiday trips show signs of increased happiness, and afterward, if it was notvery relaxing”, there is hardly an effect.


The stress of returning to work, having to catch up and sometimes face an increased work load, seems to be the cause of the short lived happiness effects of arelaxingtoneutralvacation. We suggest putting a strategy in place the day before you go back to work, to ensure that you dont feel overwhelmed and can better manage your stress levels.
