
Many Americans dream of the day they can retire and take a long-awaited road trip across the country. But Mikah Meyer believes that life is too short to wait.

许多美国人梦想有一天他们可以退休,并在美国各地展开一场期待已久的公路旅行。但是麦卡·梅耶( Mikah Meyer)认为人生苦短,经不起等待。

At 30 years old, he is about to start an all-American road trip, one that he hopes will take him to every U. S. national park.

他在 30岁时即将展开一场全美国的公路之旅。他希望这场旅行可以带他走遍美国的每个国家公园。

If he reaches his goal, he will become the youngest person to visit all 411 sites within the National Park Service. He will also be the only person to ever do so in one continuous trip.

如果他实现目标,他将成为玩遍美国国家公园管理处下辖所有 411个景点的游客中最年轻的一位。他还将成为首位用一次连续旅行实现该目标的游客。

Meyer's trip is driven by tragedy. He was 19 years old when his father died.


" My dad passed away at age 58 before he got to retire, when I was 19 years old, and it really made me realize that life is short and we don't always get the retirement or the time that we think we'll have to fulfill our dreams. So I wanted to do my dreams now at age 30 while I'm still alive to make sure I can reach them."

他说,“我爸 58岁去世,尚未退休,当时我 19岁。这确实让我意识到生命短暂,我们并非总能等到退休,或者我们认为的我们将会拥有的时间来实现梦想。所以我希望现在就去追梦,在 30岁这个我还活着的年龄,以确保我可以实现我的梦想。

Every year since his father's death, Meyer has taken a road trip. But nothing quite as extensive the one he is about to begin.


To honor his father, Meyer will start his trip on June 19, Father's Day in the United States.

为了他的纪念父亲,梅耶将在 619日父亲节这天开启行程。

He has already spent the last few months visiting the many National Park Service sites near his home in Washington, DC.


" I lived in DC for four years and didn't realize that there were about 40 national parks within 30 miles of my house," he said. " We always hear people say, ' Oh, I've never gone to that place. It's just down the road. I think it's easy to forget about all the amazing places that are close to us."

他说,“我在华盛顿特区住了 4年,从未意识到在我家附近 30英里范围内大约有 40家国家公园。人们总说,‘哦,我从没去过那个地方。它就在路的那头。’我认为人们很容易忽视我们附近的神奇地方。

Meyer's first plan was to visit all 59 of the major national parks in America, like the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone and Yosemite.

梅耶最初的计划是参观美国所有 59家主要的国家公园,像大峡谷、黄石公园和优胜美地。

" But then I learned that this National Park system is way more than these capital" P" parks. It's everything from national seashores to national monuments to national historical sites to national battlefields. It's this entire system that's so much more than just vistas."


Meyer's trip will take him to all 50 states. He will be on the road for about three years, driving and living in a special van.

梅耶的行程将带他走遍美国 50个州。他将在路上花三年左右,驾驶着一辆特制面包车并住在车里。

Meyer receives an ink stamp in his National Parks Passport book for each site he visits. The passport book is issued by the National Park Travelers Club, an organization that helps visitors follow their national park visits.


His first stamp of the trip came from his visit to the Washington Monument. He said he wanted his first stamp to be" something iconic, something all Americans and people around the world recognize, but maybe not know is a national park.


He saved for his trip for four years and worked two jobs. But, he says, he is only fully funded for the first year. After that, he says, he hopes to raise money online and through sponsorships.


Meyer plans to share his journey on social media. He also started a website for his trip.


He says, hopes to encourage more young people to visit the country's national parks. The average age of visitors to Yellowstone National Park, for example, is 54.

他说,他希望鼓励更多年轻人参观美国的国家公园。举例来说,黄石公园游客的平均年龄为 54岁。

" It's important to me to show everyone around the world that the United States has this amazing national park system that has so much to offer beyond just the Grand Canyon..."


He plans to end his long journey at Washington's Lincoln Memorial, just a short distance from where his adventure began.


I'm Ashley Thompson.
