
A new report says businesses around the world are not keeping up with the new and increasingly tricky methods of cyber criminals.


The international technology company Cisco Systems released the report. It says businesses are trying to prevent cyber-security breaks using old technology and policies.


However, the report also says the increased threat is creating many new jobs for those able to help defend computer systems.


The report describes major mistakes businesses have made in trying to stop attacks. It said there was a 10 percent recent drop in updates to security measures among businesses.

该报告介绍了企业在试图阻止攻击时犯下的一些重大失误。报告称,最近企业在升级安全措施方面下降了 10%

Cisco examined 115,000 devices. It said 92 percent of them had security weaknesses in their software.

思科检查了 11.5万台设备。该公司称,其中 92%的设备的软件存在安全漏洞。

Jason Brvenik is a top Cisco engineer. He told VOA that computer criminals will attack any system, whether it is owned by a company or an individual. He said criminals will work together to target a computer system to try to steal information.

思科首席工程师杰森·布弗尼克( Jason Brvenik)对美国之音表示,电脑犯罪分子会攻击任何系统,而不管该系统是归公司还是个人所有。他说,犯罪分子会合伙攻击计算机系统以图窃取信息。

Brvenik said companies are beginning to use defensive measures that watch over their computer systems continuously. He said that helps them know if they are being attacked and to quickly answer such attacks. He said many companies currently do not discover attacks until 100 or more days have passed. He said new programs are able to identify attacks within hours.

布弗尼克表示,企业开始利用防御措施来不间断地监视自己的计算机系统,这有助于他们知道自己是否正在被攻击并快速对这类攻击做出回应。他说,目前许多企业直到 100多天过后才发现攻击,而新程序能够在数小时内发现攻击。

Cisco says it is able to identify attacks on its systems within about 17 hours.

思科表示该公司能在大约 17个小时内发现针对它们系统的攻击。

The fight against computer criminals is creating many jobs.


Tara Sinclair is the chief economist at the jobs listing website Indeed. com. She says computer attacks have caused a large increase in the need for computer security experts. She says companies need workers who can protect them from attacks.

塔拉·辛克莱( Tara Sinclair)是求职网站 Indeed. com的首席经济学家。她说,计算机攻击造成了对计算机安全专家的需求大幅增加。她说,企业需要人才保护他们免受攻击。

Cisco estimates 1 million people are needed to fill cyber security jobs.

思科预计填补网络安全职位的空缺需要 1百万人。

The company Symantec is the largest seller of security software in the world. It says the number of people needed for computer security jobs will grow to 1.5 million by 2019.

赛门铁克公司是全球最大的安全软件销售商。该公司表示,到 2019年计算机安全职位需求人数将会增加到 150万人。

Cisco's Jason Brvenik said universities are working to train students for the growing cyber security market. He said 90 percent of the universities Cisco studied for its report offer cyber-security training.

思科公司的布弗尼克表示,大学正在努力培养学生面向日益增长的网络安全市场。他说,思科为该报告调查过的 90%的大学都提供网络安全培训。