进入美国的游客有 1%的人逗留期超过签证允许期限

About 1 percent of visitors to the United States who arrived by air or sea last year overstayed their visas, the U. S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Tuesday.

美国国土安全部美国部周二表示,去年大约有 1%通过空运或海运进入美国的游客逗留期超过了签证允许期限。

About 45 million visitors came to the U. S. between October 1, 2014 and September 30, 2015. Some were business or pleasure travelers in the U. S. with visas that expired with time. Others were in the U. S. under a program that reviews them in advance.

2014101日到 2015930日期间大约有 4500万游客来到美国。一些商务或休闲游客通过具有时效性的签证进入美国,还有些是根据一项提前审查的计划进入美国。

DHS said that by September 30, 2015, about 416,500 had not left the U. S.

国土安全部表示,截至 2015930日大约有四十一万六千五百人没有离开美国。

Another 66,500 people stayed past their leave dates, but later left the U. S.


The number of visitors who overstayed in the U. S. was lowest among 38 countries that are part of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). VWP allows some travelers into the United States for tourism or business for 90 days or less without a visa.

在美国免签证计划的 38个国家中,在美逾期居留游客人数是最低的。免签证计划允许一些游客无需签证因为旅游或商务目的进入美国。

Countries with the highest rates of visitors who did not leave were Djibouti, Bhutan, Burkina Faso and Afghanistan.


The report did not include numbers of visitors that entered by land, especially visitors from Canada and Mexico. More than 200 million people entered the U. S. at land border crossings in 2015.

该报告不包括通过陆地进入美国的游客人数,尤其是来自加拿大和墨西哥的游客。 2015年有超过 2亿人通过陆路边境口岸进入美国。

The department says it will try to include them in future reports.


The report did not include the kind of visas recorded in the survey. DHS says it would like the report to review more F, M and J visas.

该包括不包括记录于审查中的签证类型。国土安全部表示希望该报告能审查更多的 F类、 M类和 J类签证。

An F 1 visa allows non-immigrant students into the U. S. M 1 visas are issued to students who are working in the U. S. or training for a job. J visas are issued to students in exchange programs.

F 1签证允许非移民学生进入美国, M 1签证是发给在美国工作或接受职业培训的学生。 J类签证是发给参加交流项目的学生。

Congress passed new rules in December that tighten the waiver program. Any citizen from Iran, Iraq, Syria or Sudan - - or anyone who traveled to one of those countries in the past five years - - is not eligible for a waiver and must get a visa to enter the U. S.

国会在去年 12月通过了收紧签证豁免程序的新规定。任何来自伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚或苏丹的公民,以及过去五年去过这些国家之一的个人没有资格申请签证豁免,必须获得签证才能进入美国。