
The International Labor Organization (ILO) predicts global unemployment will worsen over the next two years.


Emerging and developing countries will be hurt the most. This is according to an annual study released by the ILO called" World Employment and Social OutlookTrends 2016."

新兴市场和发展中国家将会受到最大伤害。这是根据国际劳工组织发布的《 2016年世界就业和社会展望》这项年度研究报告的结论。

The ILO found that nearly 200 million people were unemployed at the end of last year. This was nearly 30 million more than in 2007, before the world financial crisis.

国际劳工组织发现去年年底有近 2亿人处于失业状态,这比全球金融危机发生之前的 2007年多出了 3千万人。

The global financial crisis started in the United States with bank failures, defaults on home mortgages, and credit card payments. Many layoffs followed. It spread globally.


" The crisis affected almost every part of the world," according to Yale Global Online, a publication of Yale University.


The ILO predicts that more than 2 million more people will be out of work by the end of this year. That will mean 200.5 million unemployed worldwide by the end of 2016.

国际劳工组织预测,到今年年底将会有超过 2百万人失去工作,这也就意味着到 2016年底全球会有 2亿 5百万人处于失业状态。

Guy Ryder is ILO Director-General at their headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He says the slow growth of the world economy is not creating enough jobs to reverse the increase in high unemployment in the world.

盖伊·莱德( Guy Ryder)是瑞士日内瓦国际劳工组织总部的总干事。他说,增长缓慢的世界经济没有创造出足够就业机会来扭转全球失业的增加。

Brazil, China and the oil-producing countries will be particularly hard-hit by the weakened job market, according to Ryder.


The report says job quality remains a major challenge. About 1.5 billion people are working in vulnerable jobs, according to the report.

这份报告表示,就业质量仍然是一大挑战。根据这项报告,大约有 1.5亿人的就业不稳定。

This includes people who are self-employed or who work in the informal sector. This type of work usually has low productivity, low pay and no social protection. The ILO found that countries in southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have the highest levels of vulnerable employment, peaking at 74 percent and 70 percent, respectively.

这包括自雇人士和非正式部门就业者。这类工作通常生产率较低,工资不高,没有社会保障。国际劳工组织发现,南亚和撒哈拉以南非洲的就业不稳定水平最高,峰值分别达到了 74%70%

The report says governments must make employment policies stronger and put in place protection for workers. They say more attention needs to be paid to helping people find decent work.


This includes young people, women, the long-term unemployed, and the disabled.
