希拉里称若当选总统将公布 UFO真相

Hillary Clinton has vowed to" get to the bottom" of UFOs if she becomes the next President of the United States.

希拉里承诺,若能成功当选总统,将彻查 UFO的真相。

And the Democratic presidential candidate believes we may already have been visited by extraterrestrials.


Responding to a question about UFOs from a journalist while campaigning in New Hampshire, she reportedly said:" Yes, I'm going to get to the bottom of it."

当希拉里在新罕布什尔州参加竞选活动时,一位记者提出了关于 UFO事件的疑问。希拉里回答说:“我会将这件事调查清楚。

Clinton, who could become America's first female president if elected in November, also said she would send a" task force" into Area 51 - a top secret base in Nevada where UFO enthusiasts believe alien technology is being back-engineered.

希拉里若能在 11月的选举中成功当选,将成为美国首位女性总统。她还表示,届时会向“ 51区”派遣一支特别小组。51区”是位于内华达州的一个军事基地,也是美国政府的最高机密。 UFO迷认为美国正于此地暗中研究外星科技。

John Podesta, her campaign chairman, has previously called for the release of all UFO files as theAmerican people can handle the truth”.

此前,希拉里的助选主席约翰•波德斯塔曾要求公开所有有关 UFO的文件,因为“美国人民有能力面对真相”。

Last year he famously tweeted his biggest regret of 2014 was not securing the release of the UFO files before he retired.

去年他在推特上发表过一条著名推文,称自己 2014年最大的遗憾就是没能在退休前争取把 UFO的有关文件公之于众。

He said:" Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the# disclosure of the UFO files. # the truthisstilloutthere".

他在推文中说:“最后说说我在 2014年的最大遗憾:还是没能争取#公开 UFO的有关文件#。#真相还有待公布#。

Podesta was also her husband Bill Clinton's chief of staff when he was in the White House and a top advisor to President Barack Obama.


Hillary said:“ He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another. Maybe we could have a task force go to Area 51."

希拉里说:“我答应过波德斯塔,无论如何也要公开真相。或许我们可以向“ 51区”派遣一支特别小组。