布拉特和普拉蒂尼 8年不得参与足球运动

The ethics committee of football's( (soccer)) governing body FIFA has banned embattled President Sepp Blatter and his one-time protege from the sport for eight years.

国际足联道德委员会禁止四面楚歌的足联主席布拉特和他一度大力提携的普拉蒂尼 8年内涉足足球运动。

The committee took the action against Blatter and Michel Platini, the head of the Union of European Football Association( (UEFA)) on Monday over a $2 million payment Blatter made to Platini in 2011. Swiss prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into the payment.

该委员会星期一就布拉特在 2011年向欧洲足协主席普拉蒂尼支付 200万美元的问题宣布了上述禁令。瑞士的检察官已经就此展开刑事调查。

The ban will likely derail Platini's bid to succeed Blatter when elections are held in February. Both men, who have denied any wrongdoing, are expected to appeal to the FIFA appeals committee and the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

这一禁令很可能使普拉蒂尼在明年 2月国际足联选举新主席时接替布拉特职务的努力偏离轨道。布拉特和普拉蒂尼都否认有任何违法行为,预计将向国际足联上诉委员会和体育仲裁法庭提出上诉。

Blatter and Platini had both been provisionally banned since October because of the controversial payment.

由于这笔引发争议的付款,布拉特和普拉蒂尼自今年 10月开始被暂时停职。

FIFA has been embroiled in scandal after 14 FIFA officials were arrested in Zurich in May and charged in the United States with nearly 50 counts of corruption, including racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering. Swiss officials have also opened a separate criminal investigation involving FIFA's selection of Russia and Qatar to host the World Cup tournaments in 2018 and 2022 respectively.

国际足联 14名官员今年 5月在苏黎世被逮捕,美国对他们提出将近 50项罪名的正式指控,包括诈骗,电信诈骗和洗钱。国际足联因此陷入丑闻。瑞士官员另外展开刑事调查,调查事项涉及国际足联挑选俄罗斯和卡塔尔主办 2018年和 2022年的世界杯赛。