
Florida is the state where Americans and immigrants choose most to settle, shows the latest research.


Population continues to move from north to south in America. Florida is expected to add five million new residents by 2030, according to the state's Office of Economic and Demographic Research. While Florida is growing, the states of Illinois, Ohio and Michigan have lost the largest numbers of residents.

美国人口不断从北部向南部转移。根据该州经济和人口调查局的预计,到 2030年佛罗里达州有望新增 5百万新居民。当佛罗里达州人口不断增长时,伊利诺伊州、俄亥俄州和密歇根州流失的人口数量最多。

In 2014, Florida's population grew by over 108,000 people. The largest group packing their bags for the" Sunshine State" are young people right out of college.

2014年,佛罗里达州人口增长了 10.8万以上。移居“阳光之州”的最大群体是刚走出大学的年轻人。

" Young people generally move more for education or for a job," said Stefan Rayer, a population specialist at the University of Florida. "[ Florida] is very attractive. It has big metropolitan areas. It has good job opportunities. That's why people are moving to Florida."

佛罗里达大学人口专家斯特凡·雷尔( Stefan Rayer)表示,“年轻人一般为了上学或工作而流动。佛罗里达州非常有吸引力。该州有大片都市区,有很好的就业机会。这是人们搬到佛罗里达州的原因。

Florida's population grew over 17 percent between 2000 and 2010, according to the U. S. Census Bureau. Twenty percent of Florida's population are foreign immigrants, the American Immigration Council reported. Nearly 74 percent of the immigrants are from Latin America. Another 20 percent of foreigners relocating are from Europe and Asia.

根据美国人口普查局的数据, 2000年到 2010年期间,佛罗里达州人口增长了 17%以上。美国移民理事会报道称,佛罗里达州 20%的人口是外国移民。这些移民中近 74%来自拉丁美洲。另外 20%的外国移民来自欧洲和亚洲。

The state's economy is staying healthy due to the population movement. Latino and Asian immigrants are adding $150 billion worth of purchases each year.

由于人口流动,该州的经济保持着健康。拉丁裔和亚裔移民每年给该州带来了价值 1500亿美元的消费。

Other American states that have been named as being attractive by movers were Texas, South Carolina and North Carolina.
