美国油价跌至 2014年以来最低水平

Gasoline prices in the United States are nearing their lowest since 2004.

美国汽油价格已经接近 2014以来的最低水平。

While most of the world sells gas by the liter, the United States sells gas by the gallon. Either way, most of the world pays much more for gas and fuel than the U. S.


The average price in the U. S. was $2.06 per gallon for unleaded regular, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA).

根据美国汽车协会的数据,美国无铅常规汽油的价格是 2.06美元每加仑。

That is about 54 cents per liter.

也就是大约 54美分每升。

The average price dropped another penny over the Thanksgiving holiday to 53 cents per liter. That is according to GasBuddy. com, a service that reports on U. S. gas prices.

感恩节假期期间平均油价又下降了一美分到 53美分每升,以上是根据 GasBuddy. com网站的报道,这是一家报道美国油价的机构。

That would be 21 cents per liter less than a year ago, and 34 cents cheaper per liter than in 2013, GasBuddy says.

GosBuddy网站表示,这个价格比一年前便宜了 21美分每升,比 2013年便宜了 34美分每升。

Because nearly 90 percent of Americans will travel by car over the winter holidays, the savings will add up.

由于在冬季假期期间,将近 90%的美国人将会自驾旅游。节省的油钱就更多了。

The average cost to fill a car in the United States last week was $28.84. That compares to $45.92 in 2013, for a savings of around $20.

上周美国把一辆汽车加满燃油平均需要 28.84美元。2013年的 45.92美元相比节省了 20美元左右。

The lowest prices were in Indiana, South Carolina, Alabama, Missouri, Texas and Mississippi, AAA said. All five states have average prices of 49 cents per liter or less.

美国汽车协会表示,油价最低的是印第安纳州、南卡罗来纳州、阿拉巴马州、密苏里州、德克萨斯州以及密西西比州。所有五个州平均油价为 49美分每升甚至更低。

The highest prices were in states west of the U. S. Rockies. Hawaii had the highest prices, at 74 cents per liter, followed by California, at 71 cents per liter.

油价最高的是美国落基山脉以西的各个州。夏威夷州价格最高为 74美分每升,其次是加利福尼亚州,油价为 71美分每升。

The lower prices are a result of oversupply, according to GasBuddy.

根据 GasBuddy报道,油价低是供大于求的结果。

Prices vary in the United States based on state taxes and the local supply of gasoline from nearby refineries.


Worldwide, the lowest average gasoline prices were in Venezuela, just 1.6 cents per liter, according to GlobalPetrolPrices. com.

根据 GloabalPetrolPrices网站的报道,世界范围内油价最低的是委内瑞拉,价格为 1.6美分每升。

Libya, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Kuwait offered gas at less than 26 cents per liter( $1 a gallon), the website reported.

该网站报道称,利比亚、沙特、阿尔及利亚和科威特的油价为 26美分每升(合 1美元每加仑)。

The highest average prices are in the Netherlands at $1.87 per liter; Norway at $1.74 per liter; and the United Kingdom at $1.68 per liter.

平均油价最高的是荷兰,为 1.87美元每升。挪威为 1.74美元每升。英国为 1.68美元每升。

The prices differ based on available supplies, taxes imposed by governments and the amount of subsidies. Venezuela not only produces oil, but heavily subsidizes gasoline to keep prices near zero.

油价的不同是基于供应、政府税收以及补贴金额而不同。委内瑞拉不仅生产石油,还大量补贴油价维持油价接近于 0