
词类( parts of speech)

名词 Noun( n.):表示人或事物的名称。如: boy/ pencil/ book

冠词 Article( art.):用在名称前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物。如: a (an)/ the

代词 Pronoun( pron.):用来代替名词、形容词或数词。如: we/ that/ his/ what

形容词 Adjective( adj.):用以修饰名词、表示人或事物特征。如: old/ red/ fine

数词 Numeral( num.):表示数量或顺序。如: one/ thirteen/ first

动词 Verb( v.):表示动作或状态。如: look/ go/ be( am/ is/ are)

副词 Adverb( adv.):用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。如: not/ too/ here/ often

介词 Preposition (prep):表示名词、代词等和句中其他词的关系。如: in/ on/ of/ to/ under

连词 Conjunction( conj.):用来连接词与词、短语与短语或句与句。如: and/ or/ but

感叹词 Interjection( interj.):表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感。如: oh/ hello/ hi

一名词 Noun( n.)


◆一 名词的分类

专有名词: John/ China

普通名词:可数名词个体名词: book/ table/ horse

集体名词: family/ class/ police

不可数名词物质名词 water/ rice/ snow

抽象名词: health/ knowledge/ love

◇专有名词:表示具体的人、物、地点、节日等,通常由一个名词或一个词组构成: Jenny/ Hong Kong/ Christmas Day首字母要大写,但专有名词中的虚词(冠词、介词)的第一个字母不用大写: the Great Wall

◆二 可数名词(可以用数来计量)的复数

⒈ 规则变化

①一般直接加 - s.如: boyboys cupcups

②以 - s, - x, - ch, - sh,结尾加 - es,如: watchwatches boxboxes

③以“辅音字母+ y”结尾变 yi再加 - es.如: storystories babybabies

④以 f, fe结尾变 f, feves.如: knifeknives wifewives thiefthieves

leafleaves scarfscarves lifelives halfhalvesroofroofs

⑤以 o结尾加 - s如: radioradios photophotos pianopianos


- es如: heroheroes potatopotatoes tomatotomatoes


⒉ 不规则变化

①单复数同形: sheepsheep fishfish ChineseChinese JapaneseJapanese deerdeer yuanyuandollardollars

②只有复数形式: clothes glasses chopsticks goods trousers pants shorts

③特殊变化: childchildren footfeet toothteeth mousemice

manmen womanwomentoothbrushtoothbrushes

④ 复合名词的复数形式:

a. 当有 manwoman时,前后两部分都变成复数形式 a man doctortwo men doctors

a woman teacherthree women teachers

b. 其他只变最后一个名词为复数形式 an apple treelots of apple trees beef and tomato noodles

◆三 不可数名词(不可以用数来计量)的计量

⒈可数名词表示具体的数量,可以直接用数词来修饰: two apples ten persons

⒉不可数名词必须与表示数量的名词连用,构成:数词+量词+ of+不可数名词

a piece of bread two cups of coffee three glasses of milk four boxes of chalk five bags of rice six drops of water seven pieces of news eight pairs of glasses

◆四 名词所有格:表示名词之间的所有关系,连接两个名词

两种形式:’ s所有格→ Beijing is China’s capital.

of所有格→ Beijing is the capital of China.

⒈有生命名词所有格:一般加 -s. Tom’s desk Children’s Day

s结尾的复数名词只加’ teachersoffice studentsbooks

※如果一样东西为两人共同所有,则在最后一个名词上加 -s(共有) This is Mary and Lily’s room. / He is Tom and Tim’s father.

如果表示各自所有,则两个名词词尾分别加 -s(分别有) These are Mary’s and Lily’s rooms./ These are Tom’s and Tim’s books.

⒉无生命名词所有格:名词+ of+名词 the map of China/ the door of the room

※ 双重所有格

of+名词所有格: He is friend of my brother’s.

of+名词性物主代词: This is a book of mine.

◆五 可数名词与不可数名词的修饰词

修饰可数名词: many/ a few/ few( There are many trees.)

修饰不可数名词: much/ a little/ little( We have much homework to do.)

共有的: some/ any/ a lot of/ lots of/ plenty of

提问:可数名词→ How many bananas do you need?

不可数名词→ How much yogurt do you need?

※不可数名词没有复数形式,不能用 a, an修饰,也不能用 many, few, several等修饰。不可数名词作主语,谓语用单数。如: The honey is very sweet.

※ 有些名词需要用复数形式作定语。

a clothes shop sports meeting glasses store

◇ 名词的句法功能

作主语: Math is my favorite subject.

作宾语: I bought a computer last year.

作表语: He is a clever student.

作宾补: We call him Uncle Wang.

作定语: There’re some apple trees over there.

作状语: I go to school every day.

作呼语: Hello, boys and girls.