Where Do We Come From?

Would you like to know where your ancestors came from? British and American scientists may have found answers for you. They have developed a new algorithm to study deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as DNA - - the building blocks of life.

你想知道你的祖先来自哪里吗英国和美国的科学家可能已经为你找到答案。他们已经开发出一种新的算法来研究脱氧核糖核酸,也称 DNA——生命的基石。

The algorithm is a step-by-step operation for solving problems. It is calledGeographic Population Structure,” or GPS. The report was prepared by researchers from the University of Sheffield in England, and the University of Southern California. It was published in the journal Nature Communications.

该算法是一种解决问题的逐步运算,被称为“地理人口结构”,简称 GPS这份研究报告是由英国谢菲尔德大学和南加州大学的研究人员完成的,被发表在《自然通讯》杂志上。

The researchers say GPS can find a village or tribe where genes became mixed as far back as 1,000 years ago, during population movements or invasions. At such times, people from groups that were separated earlier came together and had children.

研究人员称, GPS可以找到远在 1000多年前的村庄或部落里人,在人口流动和侵略过程中,他们的基因是从什么地方开始混合的。在那个时候,来自不同群体的人们,早早的离开各自的群体而生活在一起,并且生了孩子。

The British and American scientists tested their algorithm by studying genetic information from 200 individuals. The people were from 10 villages on the Italian island of Sardinia. GPS correctly placed 25 percent of the people directly in their villages. Most of the other individuals were placed within 50 kilometers of their villages. A test involving more than 20 islands in the Pacific Ocean produced similar results. In all, 98 percent of the information proved correct.

英国和美国的科学家通过研究 200个人的基因信息,检测了他们的算法。这些人来自意大利撒丁岛的 10个村庄。 GPS算法直接正确摆放了总人数中 25%的人的位置。大多数的其他个体被放置在距离他们村庄 50公里以内的地区范围内。在太平洋 20多个岛的测试也产生了类似的结果。总之,证明了该算法算出的 98%的信息都是正确的。

The scientists say the new method may be important not only for learning about ancestors, but also for health reasons. They say that knowing one’s genetic code may show what conditions and sicknesses may be likely to affect a person.


But valuable as it may prove to be, there are more-traditional ways that people can learn about their ancestry. Some families pass information about family history to the next generation. In turn, those children pass the information on to their children.


And some people have their DNA studied through what is called bio-geographical sequencing. This method places people correctly within about 700 kilometers in Europe. But the rate of success is much lower in other parts of the world.

还有一些人通过叫做“生物地理排序”的方法来研究他们的 DNA,这种方法可以将人们正确的放置在欧洲 700公里以内的地方,但是成功的几率要比世界其他地方低得多。