初中英语语法:英语介词口诀详解( 4


例: In front of the wardrobe there are two upholstered armchairs arranged against the south wall near the door. 立柜前面是两把沙发椅,靠着南城门附近。(靠着)

She leaned wearily against the railings. 她疲惫地靠着栏杆站着。(靠着)

A new president was elected by a majority of 274 votes against 110.新总统以 274票对 110票的多数当选。 (对……)

besides, except分内外, among之内 along沿

例: The design has many other advantages besides lower cost.除费用低外,该设计还有许多其他优点。(优点包括在内)

He had no time to prepare his lecture, besides which he was unwell.他没有时间准备讲稿,而且他的身体也不大舒适。

Every one of us, except her, went to see the exhibition. 除她外,我们都去参观了展览会。

He gets up early every day except Sunday. 除星期日外他每天早起。

Nobody was late except me. 除我以外,没人迟到。

同类比较 except,加 for异类记心间。

He's composition is good, except for some spelling mistakes.他的这篇作文写得很好,只是有几处拼写错误。(非同类比较用 except for)

She was all alone in the world except for an old aunt. 除了有一个老姑妈,她别无亲人。

Anna felt disappointed when she found out they had gone swimming without her. ( without= except)当安娜发现除她外,他们都去游泳了,她感到很失望。

Lion Head Hill is not worth seeing except for its old temples.除了那些古寺以外,狮头山没什么可看的。

Among other things, we are interested in drawing.我们对图画和别的一些东西很感兴趣。( among之内即包括在内)

原状 because of, owing to, due to表语形容词

例: Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled ahead of schedule.由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。

注: Owing tobecause of都做原因状语,而 due to只能做表语形容词。所以此句。 owing to的介词短语做原因状语。

All our achievements are due to the correct leadership of our Party.我们的一切成绩都归功于党。( due to做表语形容词)

Under后接修、建中, offrom物化分

例: The road is under repair now.这条路正在修建中。

The new railway is still under construction. 新铁路尚在修筑中。(不能用 in)

under discussion在讨论中(不能用 in) under considerate在考虑中(不能用 in)

The desk is made of wood. 桌子是木头做的。(物理变化用 of)

The wine is made from grape. 这种酒是用葡萄酿造的。(化学变化用 from)

The bridge is made of steel. 这座桥是钢制的。(物理变化)

Steel is made from iron. 钢是由铁炼成的。(化学变化)

before, after表一点, ago, later表示一段

before, after常表示一个点的时间状语,而 agolater常表示一段的时间状语。

例如:前天 the day before yesterday;前年 the year before last;大上星期 the week before last等等都表示点状语的。

要想准确无误地使用好 beforeago, afterlater比较困难,但要是以“点”和“段”来区别就容易得多。

例:晚饭前 before supper

解放前 before liberation

1970年前 before 1970

文革前 before cultural revolution

国庆前 before National Day

入大学前 before coming to college

这些都是“点”状语,因为 1970年前即 197011日前。国庆节即 101日前。


例:一分钟前 a minute ago

半小时前 half an hour ago

两天前 two days ago

一星期前 a week ago

五年前 five years ago

因为 a minute, half an hour, two days, a week, five years等都表示一段时间,所以用 ago以及 ten days later等皆如此。

before可接完成时, ago过去级有限

这时的 before是连词(也可做介词)

例: We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain.我们刚离开学校,天就下雨了。(完成时)

I had studied French for four months before I came here.我来这儿以前就已学了四个月法语了。( before接完成时)

He fell ill three days ago.他病了三天了。( ago则只能接动词过去式,同时注意瞬间动词的问题。)

He left two months ago. 两个月前他离开了。(同上)

I met her a few minutes ago. 我在几分钟前碰到他了。(同上)

Since以来 during间, since时态多变换。与之相比 beside,除了 last but one


例: I felt so weak in spoken English beside them. 和他们相比,我感到我的口语太差。

Beside work and study, all else was trivial. 同工作和学习比起来,其他一切都是小事。

除了 last but one,即 but多指“除了”的意思,也有“倒数第几”的意思。 last but one即不是最后一个。

例: I haven't told anybody but one. 除了我爱人,我谁也没告诉。(除了)

Who but a fool would study foreign language well if he is a hard working one.如果他勤奋好学的话,除了傻瓜谁都能学好外语。(除了)

Look at the last page but one. 请看倒数第 2页。

He was the last but three in maths examination this time. 他这次数学考试成绩倒数第四。

They live in the next house but one. 他们住在隔壁过去一家。