初中英语语法:英语介词口诀详解( 3

thisthattomorrowyesterdaynext, last, one接年、月、季、星期、周,介词省略已习惯

例:一天 one day(不说 on one day)

one summer在一个夏天

one year一年

last night昨天夜里

last Friday上个星期五

last month上月

last year去年

yesterday afternoon昨天下午

tomorrow afternoon明天下午

tomorrow evening明天晚上

next month下个月

next week下周

next year明年

next Saturday下星期六

this morning今天早晨

this year今年

this Tuesday本星期二

this Autumn今年秋天

that morning那天早上

that evening那天晚上

无论前面介词 inon还是 at,通通可省略,不能说 at last night, on last Friday, in last month, in this year这些都是不对的,须去掉介词。

over, under正上下, above, below则不然,若与数量词连用,混合使用亦无关。

例: There is a picture over the window. 窗户上面有一幅画。(正上方)

The plane flew above the city. 飞机飞过城市上空。(高于城市并非正上方)

A lamp was hanging over the table. 一盏灯是在方桌上方。(正上方)

The moon was now above the trees in the east. 这时月亮已经在东边树林的上方。(非正上方)

Don't stand above the masses. 勿高踞于群众之上。(比喻一一非正上方)

The mountain is 700 feet above sea level. 这座山海拔 700米。(非正上方)

There is a small building below the hill. 山下有座小楼房。(非正下方)

There is a submarine under the water. 水下有艘潜水艇。(正下方)

Water was found ten feet below the surface. 在地面下 10英尺处找到了水。(非正下方)

The peasants are cooling themselves under the trees. 农民们正在树下乘凉。(正下方)

over under正上下,低高 belowabove

The temperature in the room is below( or under) 30℃.室温是摄氏 30度以下。(数量词两者皆可)

Do you have anything in the way of computers below (under) $10000?你们有哪些价格低于 10000美元的计算机?(数量词两者皆可〕


例: It's quite beyond me( It is more than I can understand). 这我完全不懂。

Don't stay out beyond 10 o'clock. 不要在外呆到 10点以后还不回家。

But the gratitude from the bottom of my heart to the students and my old colleagues, has gone beyond my control. 发自肺腑的对学生们和我的老同事们的感激之心使我毫不紧张,毫不拘束;

Your work is beyond all praise, so good that it can't be praised enough.你的成绩是赞扬不尽的。

That is going beyond a joke, passes the limits of what is reasonable as a joke.那样开玩笑太过火了。

They were touched beyond words. 他们被感动得无法形容。(无)

To do this was quite beyond all doubts. 办这事我无能为力。(超出)

This is inevitable and beyond all doubts. 这是必然的,毫无疑义的。(无)

另外, Beyond two cottages stood his house.句子中的 beyond是“那边”的意思。