艾玛•沃特森大学毕业 穿学士服赫敏再现

It's graduation day for movie star Emma Watson. 影星艾玛·沃特森迎来了自己的毕业大日子。

The British actress best known as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies is among the 2,000 graduates receiving degrees Sunday from Brown University. 这位英国女演员最著名的角色是在《哈利·波特》系列电影中扮演赫敏·格兰杰,周日是艾玛·沃特森毕业的日子,她和 2000名毕业生一起拿到了布朗大学的学位证书。

Watson will be graduating with a bachelor's degree in English literature from the Ivy League university in Rhode Island. 布朗大学是位于美国罗德岛的常春藤联校,沃特森毕业将取得布朗大学的英语文学学士学位。

艾玛•沃特森大学毕业 穿学士服赫敏再现

The 24 - year-old started at Brown in 2009, the same year she was named the highest-grossing actress of the decade by the Guinness Book of World Records. 沃特森今年 24岁,她在 2009年开始在布朗大学读书,同年她被吉尼斯世界纪录提名为近十年票房最高的女演员。

Watson told the Sunday Times that she was initially concerned how she would be accepted by her peers. 沃特森告诉《星期日泰晤士报》记者,她刚开始入学的时候很担心周围同学能否接纳她。

' On the first day, I walked into the canteen and everyone went completely silent and turned to look at me, ' she said. ' I had to say to myself,‘ It's okay, you can do this. You just have to take a deep breath and gather your courage.’ “入学第一天的时候,我走进食堂,所有人都静了下来、齐刷刷地看着我,”她说道,“当时我告诉自己:没事的,你可以应付这局面,只需要深呼吸一口气然后鼓足勇气。

Eventually though, with no help from the paparazzi who shadowed her, Watson managed to create for herself a relatively normal college life. 然而庆幸的是,大学里没有狗仔队的追踪,沃特森得以使自己的大学生活尽量正常平静。

' I've never even been asked for an autograph on campus, ' she told US Weekly in 2013. ' I threw a party for nearly 100 students and not a single person put a photo on Facebook. '“在校园里,我从来没有被人要过签名,”她在 2013年接受《美国周刊》采访时说,“我曾参加 100多名同学的派对,之后没有一个同学在 Facebook上晒有关我的照片。

Watson had a busy film career during her time as a student, releasing both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End, and the recent Biblical epic Noah. 沃特森在学生时代的电影拍摄工作也很忙碌,期间参与拍摄并上映的电影有《哈利波特与死亡圣器》、《壁花少年》、《世界末日》、以及最近的圣经史诗《诺亚方舟》。

She spent part of her degree studying in her native Britain at Oxford University. 这次顺利毕业取得学士学位,也少不了沃特森期间在家乡牛津大学学习的帮助。