
Chinese leader Xi Jinping kicked off his trip to France Tuesday with a selection of Beaujolais wine, saucisson and cheese shortly after arriving in Lyon, the country's gastronomic capital. 星期二中国国家主席习近平到达法国美食之都——里昂,开启访法之旅。东道主热情款待,盛宴迎接,博若莱红葡萄酒、香肠、奶酪等特色美食均被端上餐桌。

Xi headed to Lyon's stately town hall soon after landing Tuesday evening for a lavish three-course meal accompanied by his wife Peng Liyuan, a famous singer who wore a black and grey traditional Chinese dress and a black shawl wrapped around her shoulders. 习主席于星期二晚间抵达里昂,随后偕同妻子彭丽媛出席了在里昂市政大厅举行晚宴,晚宴十分丰盛,先后上了三道正菜。著名歌唱家彭丽媛身穿一件黑灰色的中式礼服,肩上还围着一条黑色的披巾。


The couple are in France for a three-day visit marking 50 years of full diplomatic ties between the two countries that is due to be dominated by the signing of several big business contracts. 习近平夫妇为期三天的访法之旅,庆祝中法正式建交五十周年。访法期间两国将签署几项重大商业合作协议。

They chose to kick off the visit with a whistle-stop, 16 - hour tour of Lyon, a former silk centre that forged links with China from the 16 th century that have endured until now. 习近平夫妇选择在里昂开启访法之旅,他们打算在那里短暂停留 16个小时。里昂曾是一个丝绸中心,自 16世纪以来就一直起着促进中法友好关系的作用。

Before sitting down for dinner in the town hall, Xi and his wife were treated to some of the region's most famous delicacies. 在市政大厅的晚餐之前,习近平夫妇应邀品尝了该地区一些最出名的美食。

Next up: a three-course meal at a gala dinner attended by many dignitaries from Lyon and other parts of France. 许多来自里昂和法国其他地区的显要人物都出席了这次晚宴。接下来让我们看看这次三道菜式的晚宴吧!

Sea bass with lobster sauce, thyme and hay-flavoured lamb followed by caramelised brioche with berries were on the menu. 菜单上有豆豉鲈鱼、添加百里香和甘草香料的羊肉,以及时令红果子焦糖奶油蛋糕。

The Chinese president also visited the Franco-Chinese Institute - - which when it opened in Lyon in 1921 became the first Chinese university abroad and trained many promising students who went on to become top officials in their country. 习近平还参观了里昂中法大学旧址。中法大学建于 1921年,是中国在海外设立的第一所大学,培养了大批杰出校友,许多中国杰出的政治家都曾在那里学习。