美国第一夫人今日起访华 教育文化是主题

U. S. first lady Michelle Obama arrived in Beijing on Thursday evening, the official Xinhua news agency said, beginning a hotly anticipated week-long trip during which she will promote education and cultural ties. 据新华社官方报道,美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马于周四晚间抵达北京,就此开始为期一周万众瞩目的访华之旅。在此期间,米歇尔将努力加强中美在教育和文化方面的联系。

Obama, a Harvard-educated lawyer, is expected to spend Friday with China's charismatic first lady, Peng Liyuan, who is admired at home as both a glamorous songstress and fashion icon. 米歇尔毕业于哈佛大学法学院。本周五,米歇尔将与中国很有魅力的第一夫人彭丽媛作伴。中国第一夫人彭丽媛既是一名迷人的女歌星,也是时尚的代表。

美国第一夫人今日起访华 教育文化是主题

Besides Beijing, Obama will visit the western historic city of Xi'an and the southern city of Chengdu, where she will visit a panda preserve. Obama's two daughters are accompanying her, as well as her mother. 除了访问北京以外,米歇尔也将前往位于中国西部的历史古城西安和南方城市成都。米歇尔将会参观成都的一处熊猫保护区。米歇尔的母亲和两个女儿陪同访华。

She also plans to visit American and Chinese students to promote education and cultural exchanges, and visit historical landmarks like the Great Wall of China. 米歇尔也计划接见中美学生,借机加强两国在教育和文化上的交流。她也打算参观中国的一些历史古迹,比如长城。

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the visit would help deepen ties between the world's two largest economies. 外交部发言人洪磊表示这次访问将会深化世界上两个最大的经济体之间的关系。

" We believe that this visit will play an important role in increasing mutual understanding between the two countries and expanding friendship." Hong told reporters ahead of Obama's arrival. 洪磊在米歇尔到来前对记者说:“我们相信这次访问对于两国深化了解、增进友谊具有重要意义。

News of Obama's arrival spread fast on Sina Weibo, where users speculated on what the trip would bring - as well as what Obama would wear and eat. 米歇尔访华的消息在新浪微博上迅速传播开了,微博用户纷纷猜测这次访问将给中国带来怎样的变化以及米歇尔会穿什么、吃什么。

" Two intellectual women playing the game of great power politics - how beautiful." wrote one user. 一名微博用户说:“两个知性女人的大国博弈,好美。