
A chemistry teacher masterminded a Breaking Bad-style operation to flood Britain’s drugs market with almost pure amphetamine. 英国某化学老师干起了制毒行当,他制作的高纯度冰毒一度泛滥在英国毒品市场,这不就是《绝命毒师》现实版嘛!

Ryszard Jakubczyk planned to make 88 lbs of itworth£ 4 millionevery TWO DAYS from his secret lab in a mirror of the hit TV show’s plot. 按照这位名叫 Ryszard Jakubczyk的老师的计划,他每两天就能在自己的秘密实验室里合成 88磅安非他命,价值 400万英镑,和美剧《绝命毒师》中的情节非常相似。

Astonished detectives who caught the lecturer and his gang dubbed him a real-life Walter White, the chemistry teacher who uses his expertise to make the purest crystal meth in the cult series. 逮捕这名老师及其团伙的警察深深的惊到了。他们称 Jakubczyk为现实版的老白,也就是《绝命毒师》里靠专业知识制造最纯净冰毒的化学老师。


Jakubczykknown asthe Professorin the underworldproduced an almost 80 per cent pure version of amphetamine. Investigators say it was among the highest grades they have uncovered in the UK. Jakubczyk道上称号“教授”,他制造的冰毒纯度高达 80%调查人员称这是他们在英国发现的纯度最高的冰毒。

National Crime Agency officers put Jakubczyk, 61, under surveillance after a tip-off. They waited until the Polish gangcookeda test batch before swooping on the lab in a garden building hidden by trees in Grantham, Lincs. 英国国家犯罪调查局的官员们在得到一份密报后开始对 61岁的 Jakubczyk进行监视。 Jakubczyk的实验室在林肯郡格兰瑟姆一处树林遮蔽的园林建筑中,当时他正与波兰黑帮进行交易,波兰方验货吸食样品时,犯罪调查局的工作人员将他们一网打尽。

Jakubczyk’s accomplice Piotr Turek, 35, was head of distribution and 783 g of the drug was found hidden in his car’s air filter. The lecturer’s lover Ewa Lyzwa-Cias, 60, had a stash in a dressing gown pocket. Jakubczyk的同伙, 35岁的 Piotr Turek是毒品分销的头目。他汽车里的空气过滤器中藏有 783克毒品。Jakubczyk的爱人 60岁的 Ewa Lyzwa-Cias,她的睡袍口袋里甚至也藏了一份。

Lead NCA investigator Dave Archer said:“ It was as if they had used the plot of Breaking Bad to come up with the whole idea. 带头的调查员说:“他们就像是照搬了《绝命毒师》的剧情。

Jakubczyk was jailed for nine years. Turek received eight and Lyzwa-Cias five years at Leeds Crown Court. All were convicted of conspiracy to produce and supply amphetamine. Jakubczyk被判 9年徒刑,他的同伙 Turek被判 8年,而他的爱人 Lyzwa-Cias被判 5年,他们三人的罪名皆为密谋生产和供应毒品。

Officer Archer said:“ We did research watching the series on Netflix and I bought our lawyer the box set after the trial.”调查员说:“为了研究案情,我们特意在 Netflix上观看了这部剧,庭审过后还为我们的律师买了盒装版的《绝命毒师》。