
Have you ever heard of a Kakapo? 你听说过鸮鹦鹉吗?

I wouldnt be surprised if you havent. These incredibly rare parrots live in New Zealand. They are large, scholarly-looking birds that youd just want to cuddle( if they werent a wild animal with really, really sharp claws). Their numbers are rapidly dwindling, they are officially acritically endangeredspecies. Researchers can count the number of Kakapos left on earth. That’s why when one chick was in danger, an entire group of rescuers leapt into action. 如果你没听说过那并不足为奇。这种罕见的鹦鹉生活在新西兰。它们体型庞大、面似学者,让你不禁想去抱抱它们(但它们有着非常非常尖锐的爪子)。鸮鹦鹉的数量正在急剧减小,已列入官方“极度濒危”物种名单,研究者称地球上仅剩的鸮鹦鹉屈指可数。这就是为什么一只雏鸟陷入危险会引起一整队救援人员的行动。


So when Lisa, the momma bird, accidentally crushed her egg it was vital for her keepers to attempt to save it. 鸮鹦鹉妈妈 Lisa不小心压碎了鸟蛋,对于 Lisa的饲养者来说用尽一切办法拯救雏鸟刻不容缓。

The keepers used a gentle adhesive to hold the egg together, hoping that the membrane inside and the baby Kakapo werent damaged. 饲养者使用一种柔和的黏合剂把鸟蛋聚合在一起,希望里面的薄膜和鸮鹦鹉雏鸟不受伤害。

All they could do was pray and wait. Then, a miracle! The little Kakapo broke through the shell on February 28 th, 2014. 做了这些之后,他只能祈祷和等待。然后奇迹发生了!小鸮鹦鹉在 2014228日破壳而出!

This chick is the first Kakapo hatched in 2014. 这是 2014年孵化的第一只鸮鹦鹉。

The little chick is growing and staying strong. Hopefully, this is just one chick on the road to helping the Kakapo recover. 小雏鸟正在慢慢成长、身体越来越强壮。希望能够帮助鸮鹦鹉恢复数量增长的小鸟不只是这一个。

Kakapos are unique, wonderful birds of New Zealand. Kakapo Recovery is an organization dedicated to saving the critically endangered animal. They work closely with the Kakapo population of Codfish Island in New Zealand to help boost their numbers. 鸮鹦鹉是一种生活在新西兰特别美妙的鸟类。 Kakapo Recovery是一个致力于拯救极度濒危动物鸮鹦鹉的组织,组织成员研究新西兰科德菲什岛上的鸮鹦鹉数量,以帮助其增长。