
A young woman has filmed herself speaking gibberish in a string of different accents to show how people speaking foreign languages sound - at least to her. 一位年轻女子自己拍摄了一段视频,视频中她语速超快地胡乱讲不同口音,以此来向人们展示外国话听起来是啥样的(起码对她自己来说是这个样子)。

Nineteen-year-old Sara from Finland uses her remarkable skill for mimicry to show what different languages sound to foreigners who don't understand them. 19岁的萨拉来自芬兰,她用自己卓越的模仿天赋一通胡扯:原来不懂的外国话听起来就是这样的。

Her caricatures are so good that, to anyone who doesn't know the languages she is imitating, she could almost be a fluent speaker. 她演得太像了,随便一个不懂这种外语的人都会被她糊弄,觉得她讲得很流利。

YouTube热门a target=_blank class=infotextkey视频/a:外国话听起来是啥样的

Her British accent is pure London youth, while her American accent is reminiscent of California. 她的英音是纯正的伦敦腔,她的美音让人想起加州的地道美语。

Like all the best mimics, she even replicates the body language of the cultures whose language she's imitating. 像其他出众的模仿者一样,她甚至模仿出了相应国家的肢体语言。

Sara, who doesn't give her surname, says that her video is just her ' goofing ' around and cautions viewers not to take it too seriously. 萨拉没有透露自己的姓氏,她说这个视频只是为了打发无聊的时间,并告诫观看者别太当真。

She writes: ' I know some of them suck, but that's kinda the point cus I don't understand two sh** s of that particular language and thats why it sounds like gibberish to me. 她写道:“我知道其中一些语言模仿得乱七八糟,但这就是我要表达的点,因为有那么一些语言真他娘的听不懂!这就是为什么听起来我在胡言乱语。

She adds: ' I'm not trying to speak any languages in this video. My point is only to bring out what the languages sound like to me '她补充道:“我并没想在这个视频中讲哪国语言,我想表达的是对我来说外国话听起来是啥样的。

The video was uploaded to YouTube on Monday and has quickly gone viral, racking up a phenomenal 4.75 million views in just five days. 这个视频在周一被上传到 YouTube视频网站,此后就在网络上传疯了,仅仅 5天之内点击量就达到 475万。