美国第一夫人将访华 母亲和女儿同行

First lady Michelle Obama later this month will travel to China in her third solo international trip since moving into the White House. 美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马将在本月访华,这是她入白宫以来第三次单独出访。

The first lady will visit Beijing from March 20-23, Xi'an on March 24, and Chengdu from March 25-26, the White House announced Monday. Mrs. Obama will meet with Madame Peng, the spouse of China's President Xi Jinping, and she'll visit important historical and cultural sites. 本周一白宫发布第一夫人的行程安排,米歇尔夫人将在 320日到 23日访问北京, 324日访问西安,而 325日、 26日访问成都。奥巴马夫人将与国家主席习近平的夫人彭丽媛会面,同时她也将参观著名的历史人文景点。

美国第一夫人将访华 母亲和女儿同行

As on past international trips, the first lady will focus on the importance of education, according to the White House, and will visit a university and two high schools. 据白宫报道,与在之前的国际访问中重视教育问题的情况类似,第一夫人此次访华也将参观一所大学和两所高中学校。

Mrs. Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, will accompany her, as will Mrs. Obama's daughters, Malia and Sasha Obama. The first lady's office is also encouraging American students to follow Mrs. Obama as she travels through China online and through social media. 奥巴马夫人的母亲——玛丽安·罗宾森、奥巴马夫人的两个女儿——玛丽亚和萨莎,都将陪同奥巴马夫人前来访华。第一夫人办公室鼓励美国学生们通过网络或社交媒体追踪奥巴马夫人访华信息。

Mrs. Obama last traveled abroad without President Obama in 2011 to Botswana and South Africa, where she promoted youth leadership, health and education. In 2010, she traveled to Haiti where she assessed the earthquake damage, and then continued to Mexico, where her focus was youth engagement. 2011年奥巴马夫人单独访问博茨瓦纳和南非时,大力倡导提升青少年的领导力,保护青少年健康以及关注教育问题。2010年,她访问海地时考察了地震带来的损失情况,而后在访问墨西哥的行程中,她关注的是青少年的社会参与问题。

Mrs. Obama won't be the first American first lady to travel solo to China. In 1995, then-first lady Hillary Clinton attended the World Conference on Women in Beijing, where she spoke forcefully about women's rights in China. 奥巴马夫人并非美国唯一的单独访华的第一夫人。早在 1995年,前第一夫人希拉里·克林顿到北京参加了世界妇女大会,会上她关于中国妇女权益做了一番强有力的发言。

Before Clinton traveled to Beijing, her staff laid out a thorough media plan for her - - one of the many documents released by the Clinton Presidential Library last week. 克林顿夫人访问北京之前,她的工作人员为她量身订制了一套全面的媒体宣传计划——上周克林顿总统图书馆公布的一批文件中就有当时的计划文件。