比特币之父中本聪首曝光 隐居美国加州

The mythical bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto may not be a myth after all. He may in fact be a rumpled 64 - year-old man named Satoshi Nakamoto who is living quietly in the San Gabriel Valley. 神秘的比特币之父可能根本不是一个神话。事实上,他可能就是个名叫中本聪、满脸皱纹的 64岁男性,隐居在美国加州的圣盖博谷。

A Newsweek magazine reporter says she followed a trail that led her to a Satoshi Nakamoto in Temple City. When the reporter went to Nakamoto's home unannounced, he apparently called the Temple City police, who stood watch as a short interview was conducted. 美国《新闻周刊》的一名记者说她在美国加州西南部的天普市发现了中本聪的身影。当这名记者事前没有通知就到了中本聪的家里后,他叫来了天普市的警察。警察就旁观了这次简短的采访。

" Now face to face, with two police officers as witnesses, Nakamoto's responses to my questions about bitcoin were careful but revealing," according to the Newsweek article. 《新闻周刊》上的文章写道:“在两位警察的陪同下,与中本聪先生面对面交谈时,他对我提出的关于比特币的问题回答得很小心但是也很坦诚。

比特币之父中本聪首曝光 隐居美国加州

" I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it, ' he says, dismissing all further queries with a swat of his left hand. ' It's been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection. " “我已经不再参与这个项目,所以我不能讨论它。” 中本聪先生敲打着自己的左手,对任何进一步问询都不置一词。“它已经被移交给了别人,他们正在负责这件项目。我和比特币再也没有关系了。

It has been widely believed that Satoshi Nakamoto was a fake name for a programmer, probably much younger, who wished to be anonymous. 人们普遍认为,中本聪可能是一个年轻得多的程序员,因为希望匿名所以使用的假名。

And the Satoshi Nakamoto tracked down by Newsweek is living in a modest house. But it's believed that the real Satoshi Nakamoto holds bitcoins worth about $400 million. 《新闻周刊》发现中本聪居住在一所普通的房子里。但是人们认为,真正的中本聪拥有价值 4亿美元的比特币。

One thing is clear: If this is the real bitcoin inventor, his life many never be the same now that his true identity has been revealed. 有一件事情不会错:如果这是真的比特币之父,因为他的真实身份已经被曝光,他的生活将完全不同。