
Chinese President Xi Jinping surprised Beijing residents by visiting traditional courtyard homes and chatting near a shopping street on Tuesday, drawing praise from social media for mixing in public during a bad bout of smog. 中国国家主席习近平令北京市民惊喜了一把,周二他现身传统老四合院,在一条购物街旁与市民交谈,在雾霾严重的天气里与群众打成一片,赢得了社会媒体的普遍赞扬。

A shaky video of Xi's visit posted online showed people applauding him as he approached. He stopped to ask residents how long they've lived in the neighborhood before ambling away. 一段拍摄关于习近平视察的视频被传到了网上,略抖动的画面中当习近平主席走近时,人们鼓掌欢迎。在缓步离开之前,他停下来询问市民他们在这附近住了多久。

Photographs posted online by media showed Xi mobbed by people holding cameras and cell phones as he stood grinning in an alley in Beijing's historic old quarter. 媒体把相关照片发布在网上,照片中习近平主席站在北京的老街区的一条巷子里,正被拿着相机和手机的群众们包围着。


The area, frequented by young Chinese and tourists alike, is lined with stands selling street snacks like octopus balls and red bean cakes, as well as clothing and souvenir stores. 南锣鼓巷是中国年轻人和游客们常去的地方,摆满了各种小摊,有卖章鱼丸和红豆饼,也有卖衣服和纪念品的商店。

Xi's few forays into public settings have attracted widespread praise. 习近平的几次在公共场合的突然现身也获得了广泛的好评。

He surprised customers at a steamed bun shop in December when he turned up, paid for his own food, carried his own tray and chatted with fellow diners. 12月的时候他现身一间包子铺时,令店里的客人很是惊喜,他付了自己吃饭的钱,拿着他的餐盘,并和一同就餐的食客们聊起天。

Smog has been thick for the past few days in Beijing and many internet users expressed approval that the president was exposing himself to the same air as everyone else without donning a mask. 北京过去几天被厚重的雾霾笼罩着,很多网友对主席不戴口罩、和大家一样呼吸着相同空气的举动表示赞扬。

" Breathe the same air and share the same fate," the Beijing city government said on its official Weibo microblog, in a widely shared post. “同呼吸共命运”,北京市政府的官方微博发布的这样一句话并被转发多次。