
A three-year-old got the birthday present of a lifetime when she opened up a box containing her military dad, back home from Afghanistan. 一个 3岁的小女孩得到了一件终身难忘的生日礼物,当她打开礼物盒的时候,刚从阿富汗回来的美国大兵爸爸出现了。

In a YouTube video posted by father Joshua Carr, his little girl Bridget is seen ripping the wrapping paper off an enormous box, with her mother in the background encouraging her to open it. 这位美国大兵爸爸约书亚·卡尔在 YouTube上发布了一条视频,视频中,他的小女儿布丽奇特撕开巨大礼物盒的包装纸,妈妈在一旁给她加油。

When she finally opens the flaps, her father pops out, and Bridget can't hide her excitement as she screams, laughs and jumps into his arms. 当她最后打开盒盖的时候,爸爸跳了出来。布丽奇特一看到爸爸就又叫又笑跳入他怀中,激动之情无以言表。

In the beginning of the video, Bridget struggles to get all the wrapping paper off of the box, which is bigger than her. 在视频的开头,布丽奇特吃力地把盒子的包装纸拆开,那个盒子比她的个头都大。


As her mother videotapes, the toddler painstakingly takes off every bit of paper, ultimately uncovering a box with a picture of a mini refrigerator on it. 小女孩费力地撕开礼物盒的每一片包装纸,最终露出了纸盒上迷你冰箱的图片,同时小女孩的妈妈在一旁拍摄视频。

When she finally has the present unwrapped, her mother breathes a sigh of relief and says: ' OK, now open up the flaps.' 当她终于撕开礼物盒的包装时,妈妈松了口气并告诉她:“好啦,现在打开盒盖。

Bridget does so, and her father pops out with his hands in the air. ' Happy birthday! ' he says, much to the delight of the little girl, who puts her hands over her face in surprise. 布丽奇特照妈妈说的做了,然后就看到了张开双臂的爸爸:“生日快乐!”小女孩高兴极了,惊喜地双手捂脸。

Bridget runs to her dad, who lifts her into his arms as she squeals and giggles. 布丽奇特跑到爸爸面前,在爸爸的怀里一边尖叫、一边咯咯笑。

The little girl's mother can be heard crying with joy in the background as Bridget clings onto her father, smiling uncontrollably. 视频中可以听到,当小女孩黏住爸爸、甜甜微笑无法自已的时候,妈妈也在一旁喜悦地欢笑。

At the end, the father-daughter pair share a kiss, overjoyed to be reunited. 视频结尾的时候,爸爸怜爱地亲了一下小女儿,父女团聚幸福洋溢。

The video, which bears the description: '# 1 Perk of returning from Afghanistan around your 3 year old's birthday, ' has had nearly 140,000 views since it was posted in September. 这一视频的描述如下:“阿富汗归来,带给你 3岁生日的惊喜礼物”。自从 9月发布后,此视频点击量近 14万。