玉兔号月亮车全面苏醒 用生命在卖萌

今晨“月球车玉兔”的一句“ Hi,有人在吗?”,一下子点燃了网友们的欢欣雀跃。仅半个小时,这条微博就被网友转发了一万五千余次,评论一万三千余条。更有网友以即将到来的情人节作为调侃:“原来玉兔是赶着要给嫦娥送玫瑰呀!”用生命在卖萌的“玉兔”月球车也引起了国外媒体的关注,此前 CNN等知名媒体都做了专门报道。

China's first lunar rover could potentially be saved, despite experiencing mechanical problems, state media report. 据中国官方媒体报道,尽管遭遇了技术问题,中国首只月球车“玉兔”存在被救活的可能性。

The moon rover had" awoken" from its scheduled dormancy and" stands a chance of being saved", a spokesperson quoted by news agency Xinhua said. 新华社的一位发言人称,月球车已从原定的冬眠计划中“苏醒”,并有“被救活的可能性”。

玉兔号月亮车全面苏醒 用生命在卖萌

The Jade Rabbit suffered a serious mechanical problem in January. 今年 1月,月球车“玉兔”遭遇了比较严重的机构控制问题。

Its deployment on 15 December was the first successful landing on the Moon since 1976. 去年 1215日“玉兔”月球车的部署是自 1976年后的首次成功登月。

The lunar rover was expected to operate for about three months. “玉兔”月球车的预期运行期限是三个月左右。

Earlier reports in Chinese media had suggested that Jade Rabbit, or Yutu in Chinese, had been declared dead on the surface of the moon. 此前中国媒体的报道称,“玉兔” 已在月球表面“死亡”。

However, Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday that the rover was awake and was able to pick up signals, although it still had a mechanical malfunction. 但新华社周二报道称,尽管还存在机械故障,但月球车已全面苏醒,并能够正常接收信号。

Experts are still trying to work out what caused the malfunction, Xinhua said. 新华社称机构控制异常的故障仍在分析排查中。

Some reports suggest the problems could have been caused by a build-up of sticky dust on the lunar surface. 也有报告称机械问题是由月球表面积聚的粘性粉尘引起的。