俄罗斯攀高狂人徒手爬上海中心 看着都腿软

Urban ninjasVadim Makhorov and Vitaly Raskalov climbed the unfinished Shanghai Tower before peering down from the 2,000 ft-high viewpoint. “城市忍者”瓦蒂姆·马克霍罗夫和维塔利·拉斯卡洛夫登上了尚未竣工的上海中心大厦,并从 2000多英尺( 600多米)的高空向下俯视。

The pair scaled the 632 m skyscraper without any safety gear and got so high they passed through clouds on their way up. 这两人没有任何安全保险措施,穿过缭绕的云雾,徒手攀上了 632米的高楼。

The adrenaline-seeking duo had to wait for the cover of darkness to climb the tower in order to avoid the authorities, making their ascent even more dangerous. 这俩“刺激”爱好者为了躲避监控,等到天黑才开始爬楼。这也使得他们的攀登更加危险。

俄罗斯攀高狂人徒手爬上海中心 看着都腿软

Stomach-turning footage of their climb shows their view of the tiny streets below as they reach the top. 旋转、抖动得让人晕眩的视频中,随着他们不断爬高,街道也变得越来越小。

Vadim said: ' It took about two hours to get to the top, but when we got there we could only see clouds.We had to wait for hours for the clouds to part but it was well worth the wait, the view was like something from an aircraft window. As soon as we saw a gap in the clouds we climbed right to the top of the crane and were able to get some great shots of the city below. 瓦蒂姆说:“我们花了大概两个小时爬到了顶端,但我们到那儿时只能看到云雾。等云雾消散掉要不少时间,但我们觉得值得等,这种景象就像从飞机窗户中看出去的一样。当我们看到云雾开始消散,我们爬到起重机顶端,在那里我们能拍到很多不错的城市景观。

' We were not afraid at all and we have never had any injuries as a result of our sky walking. “我们一点也不害怕。这么多次极限攀爬,我们一次也没有受伤过。

' As a result of our ' mission ', we didn't get any sleep for over 24 hours, it was physically and mentally challenging for the both of us. “我们肩负着‘使命’,因此我们已经连续 24小时没有睡觉了。这对我们的身体和精神来说都是一项挑战。

' Our target was to climb the highest tower in China and the seconds highest in the world, it felt amazing to accomplish it, the sky is the limit!' “我们的目标是爬上这座中国之最、世界第二高的建筑。能够征服它让人感觉简直太棒!只有天空才是我们的极限!