
Ugg boots and their sheepskin counterparts have been a winter-weather staple for several years now, combining function, comfort, warmth and even some style. What many Ugg-enthusiasts dont know is that their coveted boots are a breeding ground for bacteria and cause foot problems. 雪地靴和羊毛靴一直是近些年来冬季的必备单品,温暖舒适,既实用又还挺有型。但大部分雪地靴爱好者可能不知道,她们的靴子是细菌的滋生地,还会引起足部问题。

Podiatrists and chiropodists believe the boots, which are particularly popular among young teenage girls, are leading to a rise in the number of people suffering pains in their feet and knees. 足科医生们认为,深受年轻女孩喜欢的雪地靴正是导致饱受足部和膝部疼痛的人数增多的原因。

Dr Ian Drysdale, head of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine, believes because the foot does not get the proper support on the inside, it will lead to more ankle, knee, hip and back problems. 来自英国骨科医学院的伊恩-特拉斯代尔医生表示,因为足部在靴子里得不到适当的支撑,可能会导致更多踝关节、膝盖、臀部和背部等多处问题。


" These boots are not designed for outside wear. Just because something becomes a trend or fashionable doesn't mean it's good or right," he said. 他表示:“雪地靴其实不适合在室外穿着,虽然它成为流行趋势,但这并不代表这种穿法正确或是对身体有好处。

" The particular problem with this type of footwear is it is unsupported. It's a slipper. You wouldn't normally expect to be doing outdoor activities from something that's indoor. If you decide to wear your pyjamas outside all the time, someone will come up and say it's not a good idea." “这种靴子实际的问题是对足部没有支持,只能算是拖鞋类,只适合穿在室内,穿着它通常不适合进行室外活动。就算你在室外穿着睡衣有人会上来质疑你一样,在室外穿雪地靴也不是个好主意。

Dr Drysdale explained that the feet issues become a particular problem among young teenage girls, whose bones are" plastic" and developing when they are growing. 特拉斯代尔医生解释说,现在的年轻女性足部问题非常特殊。年轻的女孩子们骨骼比较脆弱,她们也还在长身体的时候,所以骨骼还处在发育过程中。

" If that structure is developing in an inappropriate way," he said," Then the ultimate structure will be deformed." 他表示:“如果骨骼结构发育不当的话,最后的成型骨架可能会变形。

Mike O'Neill, a consultant podiatric surgeon, said:" As the foot slides around, you get wear and tear on the joints on the inside of the foot. The ankle is in the wrong position, the thigh bone also changes position, and you get an abnormal movement in the pelvis, which leads to back problems." 足部外科顾问医生迈克-奥尼尔说:“因为穿着雪地靴四处拖动,足部的关节是日益磨损,踝关节的位置不对,股骨的位置也会发生改变,这会导致骨盆移动异常,造成背部疼痛。

Ugg Australia, who make the designer version of the boots, told The Daily Mirror that their boots are" comfort" rather than" performance footwear" and consumers should be aware of" knockoffs" which lack reinforced heels or insoles in their boots. 澳大利亚 UGG公司是雪地靴的设计者,该公司对《每日镜报》表示,雪地靴的确比较舒适,但不是性能鞋类。消费者在购买的时候要小心劣质仿制品,这些山寨产品都没有加固的高跟和内鞋垫。